JetBrains All Products Pack 2017.1

Ottenere tutti i prodotti desktop JetBrains - tra cui IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, ReSharper Ultimate, PhpStorm e altri IDE.
Aprile 12, 2017
Nuova versione


  • PyCharm gets a much faster debugger especially for later versions of Python, improves Python and JavaScript unit testing, and supports the six library.
  • WebStorm adds support for new technologies such as Vue.js and Jest, brings more flexibility to code styles, improves React and Angular support, and much more.
  • PhpStorm now supports Codeception, PHPUnit 6, and PHPDoc in Blade injections. Improvements in the IDE include parameter hints in the editor, smarter auto-import, PHP formatting, new inspections and much more.
  • IntelliJ IDEA supports the latest builds of JDK 9, improves support for Gradle Composite builds, introduces async-aware JVM debugger, adds support for Kotlin 1.1, features a brand new plugin for Go, and updates its support for Spring, JavaScript and many other frameworks and languages.
  • AppCode improves Swift support, adds a ‘Create from usage’ action for types and initializers, Override/Implement improvements, and more.
  • RubyMine adds full support for Docker via a special plugin, a new ability to create RVM gemsets from the New Project wizard, It also runs RuboCop cops in the background displaying the offenses as code inspections, and improves Puppet support.
  • CLion has finalized C++14 and got started with C++17 support. Now you can debug even when no sources are available with the Disassembly view, work with the Catch unit testing framework, and try experimental support for Microsoft Visual C++ compiler.
  • DataGrip brings more options for CSV import as well as the ability to import (and export) tables. Schema management is now a lot easier, with a more convenient UI and an ability to explicitly map your SQL files to data sources. All DataGrip changes are available in other IntelliJ-based IDEs with database support.
  • All IntelliJ-based IDEs received a number of improvements for Git and Mercurial, the Diff dialog added an option to ignore imports and formatting, and file history for Git is now noticeably faster. The Find in Path dialog has been reworked from the ground up and now shows instant results in the first place. The code editor now supports Unicode emoji characters.
  • ReSharper delivers support for Visual Studio 2017 RTM including support for .NET Core unit testing. It brings new C# 7 inspections and quick-fixes, adds many code style improvements such as EditorConfig support and indents autodetection, fully supports TypeScript 2.1, and provides initial support for TypeScript 2.2 and Angular 2. It also introduces useful updates to navigation and search.
JetBrains All Products Pack

JetBrains All Products Pack

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