Rebex ZIP for .NET 2017 R2

Migliorato il rilevamento ZipItem.ItemType per i file ZIP creati su Unix.
Aprile 19, 2017
Nuova versione


  • Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.
  • ZIP: Improved ZipItem.ItemType detection for ZIP files created on Unix.
  • ZIP: Improved ZipException.ProblemType reporting in multi-file operations.
  • Cryptography: Added support for Elliptic Curve DSA to Certificate/CertificateChain/CertificateIssuer classes.
  • Cryptography: SignMessage/VerifyMessage methods added to AsymmetricKeyAlgorithm.
  • Cryptography: Renamed KeyDerivationOptions class to KeyDerivationParameters.
  • Cryptography: Removed seldom-used static methods from CryptoHelper.
  • Cryptography: CertificateIssuer class made available on .NET Compact Framework.
  • Cryptography: Enhanced CertificateIssuer API.


  • Cryptography: Fixed TLS 1.0/1.1 on FIPS-only Windows with disabled UseFipsAlgorithmsOnly.
  • Cryptography: Fixed PrivateKeyInfo.KeyAlgorithm that returned non-standard values for some ECDSA keys.
  • Cryptography: Fixed handling of padding in ECDSA private keys stored using the new OpenSSH format.
  • Cryptography: Fixed weak algorithm detection in .NET Compact Framework custom certificate verifier.
Rebex ZIP for .NET

Rebex ZIP for .NET

Raccolta .NET di compressione ZIP e GZIP.

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