DevExpress WinForms 17.1.3

Aggiunge raggruppamento di colonne Merged, Office CompactView e miglioramenti nel filtraggio della griglia ispirati a Excel.
Maggio 18, 2017
Nuova versione


  • Data Grid Control
    • Merged Column Grouping - With v17.1, you can now merge grouped columns by dragging the appropriate column header(s) to the group panel and arrange them across a line while pressing the CTRL key. Drag column headers below or above this line to break merged grouping.
    • Office CompactView - With this release, DevExpress have extended the Grid's TileView with numerous customization options - allowing you to create a UX inspired by Office 365. The new Designer allows you to create a Tile Layout using a standard table design. You divide a tile template into rows and columns and place tile elements onto table cells using drag-and-drop. You can also merge table cells and create complex layouts. Tile elements can be placed into table cells that resize proportionally. This allows you to create tiles that are adaptable to multiple resize operations. You are not limited to using just one template for all tiles. You can create multiple tile templates and dynamically assign templates for individual tiles by handling corresponding event handlers.
    • Auto-Fill Empty Space - With this release, you can allow one column to automatically change its width in order to occupy any empty space within a view (GridView).
    • Excel Inspired Filtering Enhancements
      • Excel-inspired filtering is now the default filtering mode
      • Filter by null or DBNull
      • Predefined custom filters
      • A new event handler allows you to change or remove filter items from the dropdown
      • New global static properties allow you to customize all excel-inspired dropdowns at once
    • Selectable Filter Operators in Auto-Filter Row - With this release, end-users can specify WinForms Grid filter conditions for individual cells within the auto-filter row.
    • Intellisense Editor for Unbound Column Expressions - The WinForms Data Grid, TreeList and Vertical Grid controls utilize a new Expression Editor for editing unbound column expressions. The DevExpress Expression Editor supports auto completion and syntax highlighting.
    • Column Best Fit Enhancements - In previous versions, the Best Fit operation iterated through every row and every cell editor to ensure that cells have enough space for their content. With this release, you can now set the BestFitMode property to 'Fast' to accelerate column Best Fit calculations. When used, Best Fit will calculate the approximate width for a column based on a cell's display text.
    • Performance Improvements - Improved our WinForms Data Grid's performance when scrolling through rows and during cell update.
    • Code First - New Demo Module - Added a new module to the Grid's main demo - 'Code First'. This module displays snippets used to perform basic and advanced operations on our WinForms Data Grid control. You can run the snippets directly from the module and immediately view its output. You can also modify the code prior to execution to test various use case scenarios.
  • Chart Control
    • Financial Charting Enhancements - v17.1 introduces the following financial charting enhancements:
      • Work Time - ability to exclude non working time from a chart (Documentation)
      • Ability to specify the manner in which financial points are colorized
      • New scrolling and zooming behaviors
      • The visual range of the value axis can be calculated by the values of points contained in the visual range of the axis of arguments
      • If the visual range is at the end of the whole range and the end of the whole range has changed, the visual range can move to the new end of the whole range
      • Zooming a chart via the mouse wheel scales the chart to the mouse position
    • Performance Improvements - Enhancements include optimized series data binding and multi-pane chart rendering. Chart performance in bound mode can now be compared to that available when using Charts in unbound mode. TheChart controls now execute flawlessly with real-time data.
    • Legend Enhancements - DevExpress Chart legend items can now display a marker and check box simultaneously.
  • Diagram Control
    • Show/Hide Subordinate Shapes
    • New Pan Tool - DevExpress Diagram ships with a new Pan tool, allowing you to move or pan a diagram in any direction.
    • Drag and Drop Enhancements - You can now drag and drop items between DevExpress Diagram Controls. New events allow you to process drag and drop operations manually.
    • Automatic Layout Enhancements - To help improve its presentation, the Diagram Control's automatic layout option recalculates connection point locations. Features include configurable page alignment for Tree, Tip-Over and Layered (Sugiyama) layouts. The Tree or Tip-Over layout can be applied to any portion of a Diagram.
    • Diagram Designer - Flat UI - With this release, DevExpress have updated all Ribbon icons . Each icon is carefully crafted with vector in mind.
    • Background Customization - You can now specify the background image and color used for Diagram pages and canvas.
    • Miscellaneous Enhancements
      • Ability to move diagram items together with their subordinates
      • Ability to change the type of multiple connectors in code
      • End-users can now change the type of all diagram connectors at once
      • Improved connector routing performance. Now it works much faster
  • Editors
    • New Side Panel - v17.1 ships with our the WinForms Side Panel - a resizable pane with a one-pixel border which supports border snapping and overlay resizing.
    • BarCode API Enhancements - The WinForms BarCode includes a new 'ExportToImage(ImageFormat, float dpi)' method allowing you to export the BarCodeControl to various image formats and resolutions. In addition, you now have the ability to obtain the BarCodeControl's validity state.
  • Map Control
    • Large Vector Data Rendering Improvements - Both the performance and memory usage of our DevExpress WinForms Map control has been improved. Additionally, multiple MapPath items are now rendered with a single rendering passage. We've optimized scrolling and zoom operations and can now load large shapefiles faster.
    • Design-Time Enhancements
      • Ability to bind the WinForms Map Control to any type of a data source using our Data Source Configuration Wizard.
      • Data Source Configuration Wizard - WinForms Map Control | DevExpress
      • Ability to populate the Map Control with unbound MapItems with a few mouse clicks.
      • Ability to reorder map layers via drag and drop.
  • PDF Viewer
    • Highlighted Text Display - With this release, the PDF Viewer can display highlighted text.
  • Pivot Grid Control
    • Performance Improvements - Improved the in-memory data processing capabilities of the DevExpress Pivot Grid Control. It is now up to 3-7 times faster than previous versions.
    • Property Grid
    • Intellisense Editor for Unbound Column Expressions - The WinForms Data Grid, TreeList and Vertical Grid controls utilize a new Expression Editor for editing unbound column expressions. The DevExpress Expression Editor supports auto completion and syntax highlighting.
  • Scheduler Control
    • MS Outlook Inspired UI - With this release, DevEpxress have updated the following WinForms Scheduler UI elements to better reflect the UX of MS Outlook.
      • Time Cell
      • Cell Selection
      • Appointment Rectangle and its Inner Layout
      • Navigation Buttons
      • Day Headers
      • Date Navigation Bar
      • Cell Editors
      • Appointment Flyout/Tooltip
      • Appointment Status Colors
    • Miscellaneous Enhancements
      • Smooth animated scrolling in Day, Work-Week, Full Week, Week, and Month views
      • Animated drag-and-drop
      • Redesigned resource color palette
      • Improved graphics performance
  • Skins
    • New Skin-Theme Editor - This release ships with a redesigned WinForms Skin Editor - designed to simplify skin-theme modifications. It incorporates numerous UI enhancements and offers support for vector graphics.
  • Spreadsheet Control
    • New Conditional Formatting Rules Manager - DevExpress Spreadsheet v17.1 ships with a new Conditional Formatting Rules Manager. With it, you can allow end-users to add new formatting rules, modify or delete existing rules applied to a selected cell range or the entire worksheet.
    • Rotated Text - With this release, DevExpress Spreadsheet gives you the ability to rotate text within individual spreadsheet cells. Rotated text can be printed and exported to PDF format.
    • Blog Post
    • Updated GUI with Support for Vector Icons - DevExpress have replaced all bitmap icons with SVG images to improve the look and feel of apps powered by DevExpress Spreadsheet for WinForms and WPF across high resolution monitors. Our previous GUI (bitmap images) has been retained for backward compatibility.
    • File Type Detection - With this release, you don't need to specify the document format when loading it from a stream or Byte array using the Spreadsheet's 'LoadDocument' methods. The file type is now identified automatically by the integrated file format detector.
  • TreeList Control
    • Excel Inspired Filtering - Much like its WinForms Grid counterpart, our WinForms TreeList control supports MS Excel-inspired column filter popups.
    • Selectable Filter Operators in Auto-Filter Row - With this release, end-users can specify WinForms TreeList filter conditions for individual cells within the auto-filter row.
    • Intellisense Editor for Unbound Column Expressions - The WinForms Data Grid, TreeList and Vertical Grid controls utilize a new Expression Editor for editing unbound column expressions. The DevExpress Expression Editor supports auto completion and syntax highlighting.
    • API Enhancements - In this release, DevExpress have updated the Tree List's API so that it is more consistent and in-line with the WinForms Grid. These changes address common data operations and include:
      • Obtaining and Setting Cell Values
      • Data Sorting and Filtering
      • Node and Cell Selection
      • Value Formatting
      • Hit Testing
      • Includes a LINQ-friendly node iterator with lambda expressions support
    • Code First - New Demo Module - DevExpress have added a new module to the TreeList's main demo - 'Code First'. This module displays snippets used to perform basic and advanced operations on our WinForms TreeList control. You can run the snippets directly from the module and immediately view its output. You can also modify the code prior to execution to test various use case scenarios.
  • Miscellaneous Enhancements
    • Design-Time Enhancements - With this release, all DevExpress WinForms controls can be customized using a fully integrated Designer. To invoke a control's Designer, use the 'All Properties' smart tag. DevExpress have also added an 'Options' page to these Designers. The 'Options' page lists all control properties allowing you to customize a control without using the Visual Studio Properties window.
    • Improved Versioning and Support for Legacy Behaviors - As new features are introduced in the WinForms product line, default behavior may change over time. If you decide to migrate to the latest version of our WinForms controls and wish to retain control settings from a previous version, simply use the new DefaultSettingsCompatibilityMode property. For example, setting the DefaultSettingsCompatibilityMode property to 'v16' enables the default behavior that was available in v16.x for all controls whose behavior has been modified in v17.1.
    • Accordion Control Enhancements - Extended the capabilities of our WinForms Accordion control with the following new features:
      • Built-in separator to delimit navigation items
      • Ability to select an element on MouseDown
      • Smooth scrolling
      • Ability to customize an element's position during expansion
    • OData v4 Support (Data Source Wizard) - With this release, the Data Source Wizard supports OData v4 data sources. OData is an open protocol initiated by Microsoft, allowing you to publish, read and edit resources defined in a data model using simple HTTP messages.
    • Entity Framework Core Support (Data Source Wizard) - The Data Source Wizard supports Entity Framework (EF) Core - a lightweight, extensible and cross-platform version of standard EF data access technology.
    • Printing and WYSIWYG Export to Excel - Enhancements - The WinForms Data Grid's group footer summaries are now displayed in group rows under corresponding column headers. Additionally, you can apply password protection for the XLS(X) file and export RTF data.
    • Data Aware Excel Export Enhancements - The following export enhancements ship as part of the v17.1 release:
      • Ability to export node summaries (WinForms and WPF Tree List controls)
      • WinForms Data Grid group footer summaries are now aligned in group rows under corresponding column headers
      • Password protection of an exported XLS(X) file
      • Ability to filter column values in the exported document in code
      • Ability to export RTF data
Excel-inspired filtering is now the default filtering mode.

DevExpress WinForms

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