MDG Integration v14 (Build 1422)

La versione di manutenzione aggiunge miglioramenti e correzioni.
Giugno 15, 2018
Nuova versione


  • Attributes Constraints editor added to docked Attribute Properties.
  • ArchiMate 3
    • Quicklink behavior updated to set aggregation kind for Aggregation and Composition connectors.
    • Connector validation rules updated:
      • Specialization, Aggregation and Composition connectors now validate correctly.
      • Flow and Triggering connectors no longer report as not UML compliant.
  • Simulation
    • Executable Statemachine simulations will now end when no regions are active.
    • DMN Simulation will now ignore a step command if one is already being run.
MDG Integration

MDG Integration

Integrazione di modelli Enterprise Architect con Visual Studio, Microsoft Office ed Eclipse.

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