Xceed Toolkit Plus for WPF V3.7

Migliora i controlli CheckComboBox, TimeSpanUpDown e AvalonDock.
Giugno 21, 2018
Nuova versione


  • Keyboard movements and selections improved for CheckComboBox.
  • Selections, incrementations and keyboard movements improved for TimeSpanUpDown.
  • Better reloading management for AvalonDock and PropertyGrid.


  • In AvalonDock, deserializing a maximized floating window will now display it on the correct monitor.
  • In AvalonDock, dropping a floating LayoutAnchorable will no longer cause an exception when its IsActive property is set before the LayoutAnchorable is added to its parent.
  • In AvalonDock, resizing a floating window containing a LayoutAnchorable or LayoutDocument will now correctly adjust its children’s size to fit this floating window’s size.
  • In AvalonDock, using a LayoutAnchorablePaneGroup with a specific DockWidth/DockHeight containing more than one child will now correctly display all its children.
  • In AvalonDock, using LayoutDocuments with DataTemplates in Resources will no longer show an empty floating window when undocking them.
  • In AvalonDock, using the DocumentsSource or AnchorablesSource properties with static collections will no longer cause memory leaks.
  • In ByteUpDown, the default value for the property MaxLength will now be set to 3, limiting the maximum number of character entries to 3.
  • The ColorPicker and its DropDownBackground property will now work correctly under Windows 7.
  • In DataGrid, defining columns’ FieldName with an IList indexer will no longer cause an exception.
  • In DataGrid, item drag and drop will now work correctly.
  • In DateTimePicker and DateTimeUpDown, the CultureInfo.Calendar.TwoDigitYearMax property will now be read when 2 digits are used in the year formatting. This will offer the possibility to configure the 100- year range around which the 2-digit year will be built.
  • In MaskedTextBox, text input will now be possible when the mask starts with ‘or’.
  • In PropertyGrid, modifying the IsReadOnly property (or a propertyItem’s IsReadOnly property) will now update the corresponding editors.
  • In TimeSpanUpDown, when the property ShowDays is set to true, entering a value greater than 24 for the hours will now convert the value to the corresponding number of days.
  • In AvalonDock, the new CacheDocumentTabItems property from DockingManager will now prevent the LayoutDocumentPaneControl from reloading the TabItems each time they get selected.
  • In Chart, using bindings for the CustomRangeStart/CustomRangeEnd properties (from the Axis class), and modifying those values, will now properly update the Chart.
  • In ExtendedTabControl, using a style based on TabControl will now work correctly.
  • In MaterialTextField, loading the control with a Text and a Watermark will no longer create an overlap of text and watermark.
  • In MaterialTextField, multi-line editing will now be supported when setting TextWrapping=”Wrap”.
  • In PropertyGrid, reloading the PropertyGrid when many selected objects are used will no longer create a ‘flash’.
  • In PropertyGrid, when the IsScrollingToTopAfterRefresh property is false and many selected objects are used, refreshing the PropertyGrid will no longer scroll to the top.
Xceed Toolkit Plus for WPF

Xceed Toolkit Plus for WPF

Controlli WPF essemziali.

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