Syncfusion Essential Studio for Xamarin 2018 Volume 2

Aggiunge il supporto MacOS per i controlli Grafico, Griglia dati e Visualizzazione elenco, oltre a 5 nuovi controlli e molti miglioramenti.
Settembre 11, 2018
Nuova versione



  • Starting with version 2018 Vol 2, you need to include a valid license key (either paid or trial key) within your applications.
  • From this release onwards, the localization procedure for the controls has been simplified to use .resx files to provide localized text in .NET Standard projects. Localized text is no longer required in platform-specific projects. However, if you are already following a platform-specific approach, it will continue to work.
  • Provided macOS support for the chart, data grid, and list view controls.
  • Syncfusion project templates have been integrated with Visual Studio to quickly create Xamarin.Forms applications with the required Syncfusion components.
  • Toolbox support has been provided to easily initialize and configure Syncfusion components in XAML.
  • New Segmented Control - The segmented control lets users choose from a linear set of two or more segments, each functioning as a button.
  • New Combo Box - The combo box is a text box component that allows users to type a value or choose an option from a list of predefined options.
  • New Check Box - The check box is a selection control that allows users to select one or more options from a set. It has three states: checked, unchecked, and indeterminate.
  • New Radio Button - The radio button is a selection control that allows users to select one option from a set. It has two states: checked and unchecked.
  • New Tab View - The tab view control provides a simple and intuitive interface for tab navigation in your mobile application that allows users to explore and switch among different views.
  • Carousel
    • Load more - Instead of loading all items on initial load, the collection is split by a specified count value and only the first set is added in the carousel view.
    • UI virtualization - Maintains only the items in the view port in the carousel view.
  • Chart
    • macOS support in Xamarin.Forms (Preview) - The chart now supports the macOS platform in Xamarin.Forms.
    • Date-time category axis support - The new date-time category axis allows users to plot date-time values without a visual gap between two data points.
    • Different shapes in scatter series - Added support for different shapes in scatter series. The available shapes are cross, diamond, ellipse, hexagon, inverted triangle, pentagon, plus, rectangle, and triangle.
    • Group small data points into “others” category in pie and doughnut series - Pie and doughnut charts with too many small slices look cluttered. To overcome this, an option has been provided to merge small slices into a single slice based on a threshold value.
    • Add text to the center of doughnut chart - Text can be added to the center of a doughnut chart to show information about the data.
  • Data Form
    • Password editor - Password editor support enables user verification.
  • Data Grid
    • macOS support in Xamarin.Forms (Preview) - The data grid control for Xamarin.Forms is now available for the Mac OS platform with all the existing features.
    • Key navigation support for Xamarin.Forms.UWP - Navigate through grid rows with all built-in selection modes in the UWP platform for a better, native experience.
    • Other enhancements - Autogenerate numeric columns, picker columns, and date-time columns.
  • Diagram
    • Bezier curve - Bezier curve can be modified using the two control points provided on the connector’s selector.
    • Orthogonal segment modifier - Now, orthogonal line segments can be modified by the handler provided on the connector’s selector.
    • Grid lines and Snap to grid - Nodes can be aligned easily using grid lines and snap to grid support.
    • Dynamic drawing tool support - Provided support to draw text nodes as well as connectors on the diagram area, dynamically.
    • Mind map style - Now, it is easier to apply styles to shapes and connectors branch wise or level wise in mind map. Shape types and connector types can also be modified.
  • Essential DocIO
    • Word-to-PDF enhancements - Essential DocIO now allows the following features in Word-to-PDF conversion:
      • Preservation of the embedded fonts from a Word DOCX document in the resultant PDF document.
      • Editable form fields such as text boxes, check boxes, and drop-downs in the Word document are now converted to their equivalent AcroForm fields in the resultant PDF document.
      • Headings in the Word document are now converted to PDF bookmarks in the resultant PDF document.
      • Word documents are now converted into 508 compliant accessible PDF (Tagged PDF) documents.
      • Customization of font substitution with an option to set the alternate font stream.
      • Strict Open XML documents - Essential DocIO now allows you to open and save Strict Open XML format (*.docx) documents.
      • HTML import - Essential DocIO now allows you to import HTML files.
  • Image editor
    • Custom view - Custom views can be added as annotations over an image. They can be resized and positioned anywhere on an image.
    • Toolbar height customization - Toolbar item height, icon height, and text height can be customized.
    • Font family - Text annotations can be customized to use any desired font family.
    • Stroke thickness and opacity customization - The image editor control supports customizing the stroke thickness and opacity of circle, rectangle, arrow, and path annotations.
  • List View
    • Support for macOS (Preview) - Provides support for macOS with existing features along with key navigation.
    • Key navigation in UWP - Process list view item selection using the keyboard.
    • Load more at top - Load more items in at the top of the list view manually.
    • Scroll to particular position - Programmatically scroll through list view items to a specific location like the start, center, and end.
    • Localization - Localize the Load More text from PCL/.NET Standard.
  • Maps
    • Online tile map providers support - Feature that allows tile map providers such as OpenStreetMap and Bing maps to visualize satellite, aerial, street map, or other kinds of imagery tiles without using any shapes files.
  • Navigation Drawer
    • Multiple drawers - The navigation drawer now supports two drawers that can be placed in any of the four sides and can have different content based on requirement.
  • Essential PDF
    • RTL text - Add RTL text to PDF documents.
    • Custom metadata - Add custom metadata to PDF documents.
    • Document timestamp - Add timestamp to PDF documents without using certificates.
    • Digital signature flattening - Flatten the digital signature fields in existing PDF documents.
    • Auto resize the text of text box fields - Automatically resize the text of text box fields.
    • Add annotations to the PDF layers.
  • PDF Viewer
    • Free-text annotation - Support for free-text annotation allows the user to add text annotations in a PDF document. The annotation’s color, font size and text content are customizable.
    • Shape annotation - Support for shape annotation allows the user to add Rectangle, Ellipse and Line annotations in a PDF document. The annotation’s color, thickness, and opacity are customizable.
  • Pop-up Layout
    • Slide-on-right and slide-on-bottom animation - Animate the pop-up view to slide on right and slide on bottom when opening or closing the pop-up.
    • Other enhancements
      • Display the pop-up without parent in any existing application on the fly.
      • Display the pop-up at an absolute position from the target view when showing it relative to another view.
  • Essential Presentation
    • Animation Support - Support to create and edit animations in PowerPoint presentation.
  • Schedule
    • Appointment drag and drop - Reschedule appointments using drag and drop operations.
    • Time zones - Display appointments created in various time zones in the specified time zone.
    • Agenda view - Display selected date appointments below the month view.
    • Month cell templates - Customize the month cell view using month cell templates and a template selector.
    • Partial hours - Set partial working hours, start hour, and end hour according to your requirements.
    • Localization-  Localize custom text from PCL/.NET Standard.
  • Sunburst Chart
    • Drill-down support - Feature that provides a drill-down option with animations for visualizing large sets of data in a minimal data view.
    • Selection support - Highlight or select sunburst segments.
    • Animation support - Animate the chart when it is first shown.
    • Tooltip support - Display segment information as a tooltip while tapping the segment.
  • Essential XlsIO
    • Group shape support - XlsIO now allows grouping multiple shapes into a single grouped shape. This is used to apply shape settings to all the shapes in a group at the same time.
    • Pivot Table layout enhancement - Supports additional layout option to repeat data of specific fields or all fields.
    • Excel chart styles - By setting the style ID between 1 and 48, the chart style can now be changed easily. The default style ID is 2.
    • Copy and paste enhancement - Skips blank cells while copying data from source range to destination range.


  • New Segmented Control - The segmented control lets users choose from a linear set of two or more segments, each functioning as a button.
  • New Combo Box - The combo box is a text box component that allows users to type a value or choose an option from a list of predefined options.
  • New Check Box - The check box is a selection control that allows users to select one or more options from a set. It has three states: checked, unchecked, and indeterminate.
  • New Radio Button - The radio button is a selection control that allows users to select one option from a set. It has two states: checked and unchecked.
  • Carousel
    • Load more - Instead of loading all items on initial load, the collection is split by a specified count value and only the first set is added in the carousel view.
    • UI virtualization - Maintains only the items in the view port in the carousel view.
  • Chart
    • Attribute support for designing in AXML files - The chart component can be added to an AXML file, but series and data sources for a chart should be configured from C# code. To fill the gap between the design experience of other views and the chart, attributes will be exposed for customizing some essential elements from an AXML file.
    • Date-time category axis support - The new date-time category axis allows users to plot date-time values without a visual gap between two data points.
    • Different shapes in scatter series - Added support for different shapes in scatter series. The available shapes are cross, diamond, ellipse, hexagon, inverted triangle, pentagon, plus, rectangle, and triangle.
    • Group small data points into “others” category in pie and doughnut series - Pie and doughnut charts with too many small slices look cluttered. To overcome this, an option has been provided to merge small slices into a single slice based on a threshold value.
    • Add text to the center of doughnut chart - Text can be added to the center of a doughnut chart to show information about the data.
  • Data Form
    • Password editor - Password editor support enables user verification.
  • Data Grid
    • Multicolumn grouping - Group by one or more columns programmatically to organize data in a hierarchical tree structure based on identical values a column.
    • Group summaries - Display the summary information of each group for the entire group summary row or for individual cells at the bottom of each group. The data grid also allows you to add multiple group summary rows.
    • Other enhancements - Autogenerate numeric columns, picker columns, and date-time columns.
  • Diagram
    • Bezier curve - Bezier curve can be modified using the two control points provided on the connector’s selector.
    • Orthogonal segment modifier - Now, orthogonal line segments can be modified by the handler provided on the connector’s selector.
    • Grid lines and Snap to grid - Nodes can be aligned easily using grid lines and snap to grid support.
    • Dynamic drawing tool support - Provided support to draw text nodes as well as connectors on the diagram area, dynamically.
    • Mind map style - Now, it is easier to apply styles to shapes and connectors branch wise or level wise in mind map. Shape types and connector types can also be modified.
  • Essential DocIO
    • Word-to-PDF enhancements - Essential DocIO now allows the following features in Word-to-PDF conversion:
      • Preservation of the embedded fonts from a Word DOCX document in the resultant PDF document.
      • Editable form fields such as text boxes, check boxes, and drop-downs in the Word document are now converted to their equivalent AcroForm fields in the resultant PDF document.
      • Headings in the Word document are now converted to PDF bookmarks in the resultant PDF document.
      • Word documents are now converted into 508 compliant accessible PDF (Tagged PDF) documents.
      • Customization of font substitution with an option to set the alternate font stream.
    • Strict Open XML documents - Essential DocIO now allows you to open and save Strict Open XML format (*.docx) documents.
    • HTML import - Essential DocIO now allows you to import HTML files.
  • Image editor
    • Custom view - Custom views can be added as annotations over an image. They can be resized and positioned anywhere on an image.
    • Toolbar height customization - Toolbar item height, icon height, and text height can be customized.
    • Font family - Text annotations can be customized to use any desired font family.
    • Stroke thickness and opacity customization - The image editor control supports customizing the stroke thickness and opacity of circle, rectangle, arrow, and path annotations.
  • Maps
    • Online tile map providers support - Feature that allows tile map providers such as OpenStreetMap and Bing maps to visualize satellite, aerial, street map, or other kinds of imagery tiles without using any shapes files.
  • Navigation Drawer
    • Multiple drawers - The navigation drawer now supports two drawers that can be placed in any of the four sides and can have different content based on requirement.
  • Essential PDF
    • RTL text - Add RTL text to PDF documents.
    • Custom metadata - Add custom metadata to PDF documents.
    • Document timestamp - Add timestamp to PDF documents without using certificates.
    • Digital signature flattening - Flatten the digital signature fields in existing PDF documents.
    • Auto resize the text of text box fields - Automatically resize the text of text box fields.
    • Add annotations to the PDF layers.
  • PDF Viewer
    • Free-text annotation - Support for free-text annotation allows the user to add text annotations in a PDF document. The annotation’s color, font size and text content are customizable.
    • Shape annotation - Support for shape annotation allows the user to add Rectangle, Ellipse and Line annotations in a PDF document. The annotation’s color, thickness, and opacity are customizable.
  • Pop-up Layout
    • Slide-on-right and slide-on-bottom animation - Animate the pop-up view to slide on right and slide on bottom when opening or closing the pop-up.
    • Other enhancements
      • Display the pop-up without parent in any existing application on the fly.
      • Display the pop-up at an absolute position from the target view when showing it relative to another view.
  • Essential Presentation
    • Animation Support - Support to create and edit animations in PowerPoint presentation.
  • Schedule
    • Appointment drag and drop - Reschedule appointments using drag and drop operations.
    • Time zones - Display appointments created in various time zones in the specified time zone.
    • Agenda view - Display selected date appointments below the month view.
    • Custom appointments - Bind a business object to an appointment by mapping its fields, such as start time, end time, subject, notes, and recurrence.
    • Partial hours - Set partial working hours, start hour, and end hour according to your requirements.
  • Sunburst Chart
    • Drill-down support - Feature that provides a drill-down option with animations for visualizing large sets of data in a minimal data view.
    • Selection support - Highlight or select sunburst segments.
    • Animation support - Animate the chart when it is first shown.
    • Tooltip support - Display segment information as a tooltip while tapping the segment.
  • Essential XlsIO
    • Group shape support - XlsIO now allows grouping multiple shapes into a single grouped shape. This is used to apply shape settings to all the shapes in a group at the same time.
    • Pivot Table layout enhancement - Supports additional layout option to repeat data of specific fields or all fields.
    • Excel chart styles - By setting the style ID between 1 and 48, the chart style can now be changed easily. The default style ID is 2.
    • Copy and paste enhancement - Skips blank cells while copying data from source range to destination range.


  • New Segmented Control - The segmented control lets users choose from a linear set of two or more segments, each functioning as a button.
  • New Combo Box - The combo box is a text box component that allows users to type a value or choose an option from a list of predefined options.
  • New Check Box - The check box is a selection control that allows users to select one or more options from a set. It has three states: checked, unchecked, and indeterminate.
  • New Radio Button - The radio button is a selection control that allows users to select one option from a set. It has two states: checked and unchecked.
  • Carousel
    • Load more - Instead of loading all items on initial load, the collection is split by a specified count value and only the first set is added in the carousel view.
    • UI virtualization - Maintains only the items in the view port in the carousel view.
  • Chart
    • Date-time category axis support - The new date-time category axis allows users to plot date-time values without a visual gap between two data points.
    • Different shapes in scatter series - Added support for different shapes in scatter series. The available shapes are cross, diamond, ellipse, hexagon, inverted triangle, pentagon, plus, rectangle, and triangle.
    • Group small data points into “others” category in pie and doughnut series - Pie and doughnut charts with too many small slices look cluttered. To overcome this, an option has been provided to merge small slices into a single slice based on a threshold value.
    • Add text to the center of doughnut chart - Text can be added to the center of a doughnut chart to show information about the data.
  • Data Form
    • Password editor - Password editor support enables user verification.
  • Data Grid
    • Multicolumn grouping - Group by one or more columns programmatically to organize data in a hierarchical tree structure based on identical values a column.
    • Group summaries - Display the summary information of each group for the entire group summary row or for individual cells at the bottom of each group. The data grid also allows you to add multiple group summary rows.
    • Other enhancements - Autogenerate numeric columns, picker columns, and date-time columns.
  • Diagram
    • Bezier curve - Bezier curve can be modified using the two control points provided on the connector’s selector.
    • Orthogonal segment modifier - Now, orthogonal line segments can be modified by the handler provided on the connector’s selector.
    • Grid lines and Snap to grid - Nodes can be aligned easily using grid lines and snap to grid support.
    • Dynamic drawing tool support - Provided support to draw text nodes as well as connectors on the diagram area, dynamically.
    • Mind map style - Now, it is easier to apply styles to shapes and connectors branch wise or level wise in mind map. Shape types and connector types can also be modified.
  • Essential DocIO
    • Word-to-PDF enhancements - Essential DocIO now allows the following features in Word-to-PDF conversion:
      • Preservation of the embedded fonts from a Word DOCX document in the resultant PDF document.
      • Editable form fields such as text boxes, check boxes, and drop-downs in the Word document are now converted to their equivalent AcroForm fields in the resultant PDF document.
      • Headings in the Word document are now converted to PDF bookmarks in the resultant PDF document.
      • Word documents are now converted into 508 compliant accessible PDF (Tagged PDF) documents.
      • Customization of font substitution with an option to set the alternate font stream.
    • Strict Open XML documents - Essential DocIO now allows you to open and save Strict Open XML format (*.docx) documents.
    • HTML import - Essential DocIO now allows you to import HTML files.
  • Image editor
    • Custom view - Custom views can be added as annotations over an image. They can be resized and positioned anywhere on an image.
    • Toolbar height customization - Toolbar item height, icon height, and text height can be customized.
    • Font family - Text annotations can be customized to use any desired font family.
    • Stroke thickness and opacity customization - The image editor control supports customizing the stroke thickness and opacity of circle, rectangle, arrow, and path annotations.
  • Maps
    • Online tile map providers support - Feature that allows tile map providers such as OpenStreetMap and Bing maps to visualize satellite, aerial, street map, or other kinds of imagery tiles without using any shapes files.
  • Navigation Drawer
    • Multiple drawers - The navigation drawer now supports two drawers that can be placed in any of the four sides and can have different content based on requirement.
  • Essential PDF
    • RTL text - Add RTL text to PDF documents.
    • Custom metadata - Add custom metadata to PDF documents.
    • Document timestamp - Add timestamp to PDF documents without using certificates.
    • Digital signature flattening - Flatten the digital signature fields in existing PDF documents.
    • Auto resize the text of text box fields - Automatically resize the text of text box fields.
    • Add annotations to the PDF layers.
  • PDF Viewer
    • Free-text annotation - Support for free-text annotation allows the user to add text annotations in a PDF document. The annotation’s color, font size and text content are customizable.
    • Shape annotation - Support for shape annotation allows the user to add Rectangle, Ellipse and Line annotations in a PDF document. The annotation’s color, thickness, and opacity are customizable.
  • Pop-up Layout
    • Slide-on-right and slide-on-bottom animation - Animate the pop-up view to slide on right and slide on bottom when opening or closing the pop-up.
    • Other enhancements
      • Display the pop-up without parent in any existing application on the fly.
      • Display the pop-up at an absolute position from the target view when showing it relative to another view.
  • Essential Presentation
    • Animation Support - Support to create and edit animations in PowerPoint presentation.
  • Schedule
    • Appointment drag and drop - Reschedule appointments using drag and drop operations.
    • Time zones - Display appointments created in various time zones in the specified time zone.
    • Agenda view - Display selected date appointments below the month view.
    • Custom appointments - Bind a business object to an appointment by mapping its fields, such as start time, end time, subject, notes, and recurrence.
    • Partial hours - Set partial working hours, start hour, and end hour according to your requirements.
  • Sunburst Chart
    • Drill-down support - Feature that provides a drill-down option with animations for visualizing large sets of data in a minimal data view.
    • Selection support - Highlight or select sunburst segments.
    • Animation support - Animate the chart when it is first shown.
    • Tooltip support - Display segment information as a tooltip while tapping the segment.
  • Essential XlsIO
    • Group shape support - XlsIO now allows grouping multiple shapes into a single grouped shape. This is used to apply shape settings to all the shapes in a group at the same time.
    • Pivot Table layout enhancement - Supports additional layout option to repeat data of specific fields or all fields.
    • Excel chart styles - By setting the style ID between 1 and 48, the chart style can now be changed easily. The default style ID is 2.
    • Copy and paste enhancement - Skips blank cells while copying data from source range to destination range.
New Segmented control

Syncfusion Essential Studio Xamarin

Un pacchetto completo di controlli dell'interfaccia utente Xamarin.

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