AutoPlay Media Studio v8.5.3

Migliora la sicurezza del file di dati e in più dispone delle correzioni di bug più recenti.
Ottobre 24, 2018
Nuova versione


  • Enhanced the security of the data file.


  • Fixed a bug where the 'BackColor' format setting was not working in the 'RichText.GetSelectionFormat' and 'RichText.SetSelectionFormat' actions.
  • Fixed a bug where the CFU_UNDERLINEDOTTED 'UnderlineType' was not working on Rich Edit 3.0 or later versions as documented in the 'RichText.GetSelectionFormat' and 'RichText.SetSelectionFormat' actions.
  • Fixed a bug where some paragraph settings weren't working on Rich Edit 3.0 or later versions in the 'RichText.GetParagraphFormat' and 'RichText.SetParagraphFormat' actions.
  • Fixed a bug in the 'File.Install', 'File.Copy' and 'File.Move' actions where if the source file and destination file were the same, the source file would be deleted.
  • Added a check and error message to the ISO Image and Burn Data publishing options for files within the project that exceed the 4 GB limit for ISO9660/Joliet.
  • Fixed a bug in 'IRScriptEditor.exe' where if you clicked on the keyword tooltip in the editor a crash would occur. Updated version to 2.0.1003.0.
AutoPlay Media Studio

AutoPlay Media Studio

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