
Aggiunge l'opzione Funzione rotellina del mouse che consente alla rotellina del mouse di ingrandire solo l'asse verticale.
Giugno 10, 2019
Nuova versione


  • Added support for RenderEngine = Direct3D, Pego and Pesgo controls, 2D Bar, BarStacked, BarStackedPercent, and Area plotting methods.
  • Added MouseWheelFunction option for Vertical Zoom Only, allowing mouse wheel to only zoom the vertical axis, expanding the HorzAndVertical and Horizontal options.
  • Added property NullDataGapsArea. Set to True to enable the Pego Pesgo Area plotting methods to support NullDataGaps, forming breaks or gaps in the area plot upon null data.
  • Added properties DeskBmpOpacity, GraphBmpOpacity, TableBmpOpacity, and ZoomWindowBmpOpacity. Now respective background gradients can be combined with background bitmaps and the bitmaps support partial opacity.
  • Added support for MouseWheelZoomEvents = True to also fire ZoomIn event when dragging left or right edge of zoom box in Zoomwindow.


  • Fixed RenderEngine = Direct3D export dpi feature which was not honoring ExportImageDpi and when ExportImageDpi is 0, it now defaults to 96 to match Non Direct3D exports (old Direct3D default was 72).
  • Fixed Direct3D support for GraphBmpMinX GraphBmpMaxX GraphBmpMinY GraphBmpMaxY settings when using GraphBmpStyle = Zoomable and the image size was smaller than viewport.
  • Fixed Direct3D DeskGradientStart and DeskGradientEnd colors which had the red and blue components reversed.
  • Fixed Direct3D issue with ShowWireFrame = True combined with surface plotting methods and large surfaces.


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