Syncfusion Essential Studio for UWP 2019 Volume 3

La libreria di Word aggiunge stili di tabella personalizzati.
Ottobre 8, 2019
Nuova versione



  • Checkbox selector column - This feature allows you to show checkboxes in a column to select or deselect rows in a datagrid. All the rows can also be selected using an intuitive checkbox in the header.

Word Library

  • Custom table styles - Word Library now allows creating and applying custom table styles in Microsoft Word documents (DOCX and WordML), and preserving them in DOCX-to-PDF, Word-to-image, and Word-to-HTML conversions.
  • Rotation support for shape, text box, image, and group shape - Word Library now allows rotating shapes, text boxes, and group shapes in Word documents.

Image Editor

  • Image filter support - The image filter support enables you to apply effects to an image. You can apply the following effects either from the toolbar or code.
    • Hue
    • Saturation
    • Contrast
    • Brightness
    • Sharpen
    • Blur
  • Support to add read-only text - This feature allows users to restrict the text pop-up preview window when tapping the text to add read-only text.
  • Disable resizing support for text, shapes, and custom views - Provides support to disable the resizing option for text, shapes, and custom views.

PDF Library

  • PDF digital signatures with CAdES - Digitally sign PDF documents with an advanced digital signature standard called CAdES (CMS Advanced Electronic Signatures).
  • Validating PDF digital signatures - Validate digital signatures in existing PDF documents.
  • Encrypt only file attachments - Encrypt only file attachments in a PDF document.
  • Find corrupted PDF documents - Find out whether a PDF document is corrupted or not.

Excel Library

  • Data import enhancements
    • Import data from a nested collection to Microsoft Excel and group it in a hierarchy.
    • Import column headers when using the ImportOnSave option.
    • Skip a property while importing data from a collection.
  • Data export enhancement - Data from Excel can be exported to collection objects so that the values can be used as models. Now, XlsIO allows exporting data to nested classes to visualize data in a relative structure.
  • Excel-to-PDF conversion enhancements
    • Unsupported fonts will be substituted by a font stream in Excel-to-PDF conversions.
    • Capture and log warnings intentionally raised in Excel-to-PDF conversions.
Custom table styles

Syncfusion Essential Studio UWP

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