Include nuove azioni e migliora l'IDE.
Ottobre 9, 2019
Nuova versione
- FinalBuilder Actions
- Enhancement - If..Then Action - handle direct datetime variable comparison without string conversion.
- Enhancement - Set Variable Action - DateTime variables - avoid string conversion when new value is a reference to DateTime.
- Enhancement - Delphi Action - Added support for OSX 64 compiler for Delphi 10.3.2.
- Enhancement - DotnetCore Publish Action - Added AdditionalArgs option to allow passing msbuld properties.
- Enhancement - SQL Server Restore Action - added Initial Database field to Server page.
- Enhancement - SQL Server Restore Action - Initial Database defaults to master.
- Enhancement - Fileset Define Action - allow datetime filters to use datetime variables directly without conversion to string..
- FinalBuilder Core
- Enhancment - Log Export - Xml export - xml format now has more information with message groups and child errors.
- Enhancment - Log Export - Html export - new options to export Flat (original) and Tree (new) format - tree format has Light and Dark themes.
- Enhancement - new command line options for html export style,theme and custom stylesheet.
- FinalBuilder IDE
- Enhancement - Welcome page explore links now open explorer with file selected.
- Bug - DotnetCore Build Action - removed nologo command line parameter as it is netcore 3.0 only.
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