DevExpress WinForms 19.1.7

Migliora i controlli Visualizzatore PDF, Grafici e Griglia pivot.
Ottobre 21, 2019
Nuova versione


All WinForms products

  • FilteringUIContext - The component freezes when showing filters for a large data source
  • FilteringUIContext - There is no indication for an applied filter and there is no way to re-set the current filter for a Boolean field
  • SuperTip's image cannot be removed at design time
  • ToolboxControl - An exception is thrown when a filter is applied and accessibility is used
  • Vector Skins - Custom skins are re-rendered even if it is not the light skin version

Data Access Library

  • SqlDataSource - Parameters are not permitted in the SELECT list (Pervasive)

eXpress Persistent Objects

  • LINQ to XPO - The OfType method throws InvalidOperationException when called in a sub query

NuGet Packages

  • NuGet packages without dependencies (such as DevExpress.Data) are resolved for an incorrect target framework

PDF Viewer

  • DirectX Rendering - Objects with a very small clip region are not rendered
  • DirectX Rendering - Specific document images are blurred
  • Parsing - A document containing an empty dictionary as an 'open action' value cannot be opened
  • Parsing - Documents containing an optional content configuration dictionary with an invalid "Order" key cannot be opened
  • Parsing - Documents containing optional content properties with an incorrect default configuration cannot be opened
  • Rendering - Ink annotations without generated appearance cannot be rendered
  • Usability - There is no method to programmatically show the SaveAs and OpenDocument dialogs
  • Usability - There is no straightforward approach to replace the built-in "Annotation Properties" dialog

Project Templates

  • DevExpress Template Gallery - Item Templates from the .NET Framework installation are visible and cause errors in .NET Core 3 Desktop projects


  • Text is rendered incorrectly in the Print Preview window if the SnapControl's active view is set to Simple or Draft
  • The 'Show all field codes' and 'Show all field results' Ribbon items are disabled if the caret is located inside a text box

WinForms Demos

  • Bars - The dropdown arrow is not noticeable when resizing a bar and when the DrawBorder option is disabled
  • TreeList Demo - RowNotInTableException is thrown after dragging a node item within ListBoxControl

XtraBars Suite

  • A bar item from BarSubItem is shown in the Unassigned Items category in the search menu
  • AccordionControl - The Expanded Property (changed in the Designer) is not updated in the Designer.cs file
  • AccordionControl - A group is not expanded when a control is used in minimized state and AccordionContentContainer shows a vertical scrollbar
  • AccordionControl - Items' Expanded/Collapsed state in the popup window is not synchronized with the collapsed hamburger menu
  • AccordionControl is drawn in a different manner on Windows 10 build 1903
  • AddFloatingDocumentsHost raises NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'
  • ApplicationMenu is flickering on opening when a dark skin paint scheme is used
  • DocumentManager - Panels stay in memory after calling the DockManager.Clear method
  • DocumentManager WindowsUIView - Certain controls do not update their appearance when changing a skin
  • NullReferenceException on showing PopupMenu in some situations
  • Ribbon Page Header disappears if RibbonControl's RightToLeft property is set to Yes
  • RibbonControl - Cannot assign raster images to items
  • RibbonControl - KeyTip is not shown for the last item
  • RibbonControl - Page header bar items' alignment cannot be changed in RTL mode
  • RibbonControl - Selecting a ribbon page is not caught by accessibility tools since 19.1
  • RibbonControl - Shortcuts don't work after closing a menu via Esc if any menu item is focused
  • RibbonControl - The PictureEdit editor's animation doesn't work until the editor is activated
  • RibbonControl's Search Menu displays a TouchUI item even though it is hidden
  • RibbonStatusBar - The position is incorrect when size is changed using the MinimumSize property
  • The DocumentAction button doubles after the Flyout container is shown
  • The RibbonControl.SaveLayoutToXml(path) method throws NullReferenceException
  • TileControl - StackOverflowException is thrown when a TileItemElement has specific settings
  • Tabbed Document layout - Pin/Unpin icons are reversed
  • XtraTabbedMdiManager - ArgumentNullException is raised in the System.Drawing.Graphics.FromHdc(IntPtr hdc) method

XtraCharts Suite

  • An unhandled exception occurs after the ChartControl.UseDirectXPaint option is enabled in design mode
  • Axis Labels and Titles are always shown inside the chart's diagram when the AxisX.Alignment property is set to Zero
  • Chart Designer - Actual point values are not shown for data bound series after the Chart.DataSnapshot method call
  • Memory leaks exist after destroying a control
  • The Constant Line value is not restored correctly in a different locale environment
  • DevExpress.Data.Filtering.Exceptions.InvalidPropertyPathException is thrown on showing a report with a chart whose series has two data filters and the Series. DataFiltersConjunctionMode property is set to OR
  • Point Series markers are rendered incorrectly when more than a thousand Series points are shown
  • Series Point labels are not shown after refreshing the chart layout in certain situations when the Axis Scrolling feature is enabled
  • Stacked Step Area - The Series border with default thickness (1) is not drawn in certain situations
  • The chart control does not display an axis if the VisibleInPanesSerializable property has the String.Empty value
  • The default ChartControl cursor type is changed when the Annotation runtime editing is enabled
  • Usability - There is no capability to integrate custom help content in the Chart Designer dialog

XtraEditors Library

  • FilterControl - Incorrect sort order of nested properties when using FilterCriteriaDisplayStyle.Visual
  • CheckButton doesn't take some StyleController appearance settings into account
  • DateEdit - The context menu of the time edit is not skinned
  • DXErrorProvider - Errors are cleared after focus is moved from a control
  • FontEdit - A focused row in a dropdown does not show text in Bonus Skins
  • GridLookUpEdit - A designer does not follow the Dark VS theme
  • GridView - The Indeterminate state of CheckEdit does not print when the AllowGrayed option is disabled
  • GridView - There is no capability to enlarge the field dropdown in the Filter Editor when the grid contains nested fields
  • Items in the BreadCrumb popup form are incorrectly drawn when these items are scrolled
  • NullReferenceException is thrown on calling the ManagedStrategy.UpdateVisualState method
  • PictureEdit - The TakePictureDialogClosedEventArgs class does not provide the DialogResult property
  • PictureEdit - There are no virtual methods that allow overriding the TakePictureDialogShowing/TakePictureDialogClosed events in the control descendant
  • ProgressPanel doesn't take WindowsFormSettings.DefaultFont into account
  • Screen Reader cannot read the sequence of all tokens in TokenEdit
  • System.ArgumentException is thrown in the SkinImageColorizer.CalcLightness method
  • TimeSpanEdit - An incorrect value is returned if the "HH:mm" mask is set to an editor if nullable TimeSpan is used for an underlying field
  • TimeSpanEdit - The EditValue property is unpredictably changed when using high values for the MaxMinutes property
  • TimeSpanEdit / TimeEdit - A mask doesn't work in GridView's Auto Filter Row
  • TimeSpanEditor - Hours that are set in the editor's text area are reset
  • TokenEdit - A wrong token is selected from a drop-down window instead of adding a new token in Manual Mode
  • TokenEdit - Drop-down can still be displayed when pressing the Alt+Down key even if the ShowDropDown property is set to false
  • TokenEdit - The editor is not marked as modified when adding a new token in manual mode
  • TrackBarControl rounds EditValue to a smaller integer number on changing the value by a mouse click
  • TrackBarControl  - It is hard to change an editor's value by the thumb in some skins
  • XtraOpenFileDialog - ArgumentNullException is thrown when copying an address and the path is "This PC"

XtraGrid Suite

  • AdvBandedGridView - Group summary items are positioned in group rows in Data Aware export
  • BandedGridView - Group summaries are missing in export when the XlsxExportOptionsEx.TextExportMode property is set to TextExportMode.Text
  • EmptyCellValue can be used for calculating view information of editors in GridControl in certain scenarios
  • Excel Filter popup - Setting the ShowFilterPopupExcel event's e.ShowCustomFilters parameter to False raises an exception when using a custom filter with 2 conditions
  • Grid Designer - The columns list is incorrectly scaled under non-default DPI settings
  • Detail views unpredictably collapse and display incorrect rows when the master view is filtered
  • Exported custom summary items do not take into account font settings specified in the CustomizeCell event handler
  • Modifying the ForeColor property in Rule Appearance at design time closes the designer
  • The "Nullable object must have a value" exception is thrown when the FilterPopupExcelData event is used
  • GridView doesn't highlight ellipsis when searching if a matching text is trimmed in GDI painting mode
  • Group rows are exported as images when the WYSIWYG mode is used
  • KeyNotFoundException is raised when a key is pressed in the excel popup window
  • ReportGenerator - Report cells' font is changed when FormatRules formatting is applied to these Grid cells
  • System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException(0x887A0005) is raised when the DirectX drawing mode is enabled
  • TextEdit is used in Auto Filter Row in the TimeSpan column
  • TileView - An image cannot be displayed using the HTML image tag
  • TileView - Tiles in the resultant file are cut off after exporting to PDF on monitors with scaling greater than 100%
  • When GridControl is exported to Excel, the font in a cell is smaller if text in corresponding cells in the GridControl is truncated
  • WinExplorerView always displays a horizontal scrollbar when it is used as a detail view and GridControl.UseEmbeddedNavigator is set to true
  • Row appearance settings are not taken into account by automatically created repository items with dropdowns
  • The GetSelectedRows method returns the wrong value if the CheckBoxSelectorField property is set

XtraLayout Suite

  • DataLayoutControl - Tabs are generated incorrectly
  • LayoutControl's layout is not correctly updated when item visibility changes
  • PropertyGrid in LayoutControl's CustomizationForm displays nothing when Item is selected
  • SimpleLabelItem - ImageOptions aren't displayed in CustomizationForm's PropertyGrid


  • Application hangs when a user drags the map item that displays a custom image tile layer

XtraPivotGrid Suite

  • PivotGrid cannot calculate UnboundExpression if the name of the data source column contains the dot character
  • The Best Fit operation does not take the font style into account
  • The PivotGridField.DefaultDateFormat property does not have any effect
  • The RetrieveFields method does not retrieve dimensions from an OLAP datasource when the PivotArea.DataArea value is used as a parameter

XtraReports Suite

  • A spanned cell is shown in the PageHeader band whose PrintOn property is set to NotWithReportFooter and the ReportFooter band is shown on the same page
  • A wrapped rotated string is cut off when a report is exported to PDF
  • Binding Expressions with a multi-value report parameter do not work
  • DevExpress.Data.Filtering.Exceptions.InvalidPropertyPathException is thrown on showing a report with a chart whose series has two data filters and the Series. DataFiltersConjunctionMode property is set to OR
  • Document Viewer - Interactive functionality doesn't work if at least one brick is selected
  • End-User Report Designer - The (none) option is not shown for a cascading parameter (AllowNull = True)
  • Export to DOCX - Formatted text loses underlines if they are split across document pages
  • Export to DOCX - Large images or charts may be split between document pages incorrectly in "SingleFilePageByPage" export mode when the "TableLayout" option is enabled
  • Export to PDF - GDI handles leaks under a certain XtraReport layout configuration (text boxes in XRRichText)
  • Report Parameters - A calculated field cannot be used for sorting dynamic look-up collections (the "Invalid Data Member" error)
  • Report Summary - Changing TextFormatString in the BeforePrint event handler does not work
  • Search doesn't work for the filed list in the XRPivotGrid Designer
  • Visual Studio Report Designer - External REPSS styles do not work at the inherited report level
  • Web Reporting - The 'Request is not available in this context' error occurs on loading a report layout


  • A paragraph uses a wrong font after importing a specific WordML document
  • An Rtf document with incorrectly written picture dimensions cannot be opened
  • FormatException on launching an application under the Greek culture
  • InvalidCastException on an attempt to move a text box in a specific document
  • InvalidComObjectException - COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW cannot be used
  • Leading spaces are incorrectly processed when text alignment is set to Justify
  • Load RTF with Watermark
  • RichEditControl does not rerender the document when a bookmark is inserted and the inserted bookmark is not displayed
  • RTL - The caret behaves incorrectly at the end of the paragraph with numbering list item
  • RTL - The caret behaves incorrectly for a paragraph if the bidi attribute is specified in the paragraph style and not in the paragraph properties
  • SimpleView does not show a horizontal scrollbar when an image exceeds the document bounds
  • SimpleView's horizontal scrollbar operates incorrectly if the WordWrap option is enabled
  • TextBox content becomes invisible in the Draft view if this TextBox is located below the last layout row
  • The "Find and Replace" dialog layout is broken if the Danish locale is used
  • The "The key already existed in the dictionary." exception is thrown when several RichEditControls with a toolbar are instantiated in separate threads
  • The AdjustColorsToSkins property does not work for text inside a table
  • The 'Show all field codes' and 'Show all field results' Ribbon items are disabled if the caret is located inside a text box
  • Usability - There is no public API to retrieve a misspelled word after a user selects a suggestion from the context menu

XtraScheduler Suite

  • Registering a skin via a blob file doesn't work correctly when the Async mode is used
  • The Outlook synchronization fails when the data source doesn't contain the Pattern appointment for the ChangedOccurrence appointments
  • SchedulerControl, DayView - ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown on scrolling in some cases


  • The Spelling dialog shows the Delete option for the second word in the sequence of two repeating misspelled words after the first misspelled word has been corrected


  • "Column does not allow null error" on deleting all rows in a table bound to a data source with fields, which do not allow Null values
  • A specific image added in a worksheet is rendered pixelated
  • ArgumentException occurs on an attempt to remove a comment obtained using the GetComments method
  • Curved connector is displayed as a straight line when connector points are located on the same vertical or horizontal axis
  • NullReferenceException is thrown in the LayoutTilesPainter.DrawItemBackground method on an attempt to render a specific pivot table
  • OutOfRangeException occurs on an attempt to obtain a row from the Worksheet.Rows collection after inserting and removing several rows
  • Performance penalties on an attempt to copy a range with formulas and paste it in a different large range
  • The XIRR function calculation convergence issues

XtraTreeList Suite

  • It is impossible to focus the bottom node after rearranging nodes via drag and drop
  • TreeList - The Inspect tool returns real values instead of display values whewn handling the CustomColumnDisplayText event
  • TreeList Demo - RowNotInTableException is thrown after dragging a node item within ListBoxControl

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

  • NullReferenceException is raised when the OptionsBrick.AllowBrick property is changed in the CustomRowCreated event handler
  • NullReferenceException is thrown on restoring the layout containing MultiEditorRow under certain circumstances
  • PropertyGridControl - Disabled row with RepositoryItemCheckEdit displays text instead of a check box
  • PropertyGridControl - NullReferenceException is thrown in the DrawRowHeaderCell method when a new layout is saved at design time
  • Old value is selected in RepositoryItemComboBox after changing other cell values in the CellValueChanged event handler
  • The caption of the selected row is not shown
DevExpress WinForms

DevExpress WinForms

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