Syncfusion Essential Studio for UWP 2019 Volume 4

Visualizza i riepiloghi delle colonne come titoli nel controllo Griglia dati.
Dicembre 17, 2019
Nuova versione



  • Display column summary as title - This feature allows you to show a title as a column summary (table, caption, or group summary).
  • Template support for summary rows - This feature allows users to show any custom view in summary rows (table, caption, and group summaries).
  • New options in Microsoft Excel-like UI filter - This feature allows users to filter data with “Does not begin with” and “Does not end with” options in the Excel-like UI filter.
  • Multiple row selection - This feature allows users to select multiple rows by interacting with the check boxes in a column or within the rows. Users can also select all the rows using an intuitive check box in the header.


  • Stacked line and 100% stacked line charts - The new stacked line and stacked line 100 series in UWP Charts allow users to visualize the different series stacked together to show a cumulative value.
  • DataTable binding - This feature allows users to bind the DataTable collection to the chart series.

Word Library

  • Mathematical equations - Word Library now allows creating and editing mathematical equations (MathML) in Word documents (DOCX and WordML).


  • Render polylines, polygons, and points from a collection of points - This feature allows users to render polyline, polygon, and point shapes on maps using a collection of points.

PDF Library

  • PDF/A conformance - Support provided to create PDF/A conformance documents. Using this library, the following types of conformance documents can be created.
  • Validate the incrementally saved PDF digital signatures - Improved the PDF digital signature validation algorithm to identify Incremental saving attacks (ISA).
  • Remove duplicate resources when merging PDF documents - Support provided to remove duplicate PDF resources such as image and fonts when merging PDF documents.
  • Create Long Term Validation (LTV) when signing PDF documents externally - This feature allows you to digitally sign a PDF document externally with LTV.
  • Create ZUGFeRD 2.0 PDF document - Support provided to create ZUGFeRD 2.0 PDF documents.

Excel Library

  • Macros - A macro is a set of programming codes that runs in the Microsoft Excel environment to automate tasks. XlsIO allows you to create and edit macros in Excel worksheets using IVbaProject and save the worksheets in different formats such as XLS, XLTM, and XLSM.
  • Conditional formatting enhancement - Conditional formatting now allows you to highlight the following:
    • Top or bottom ranked values.
    • Values that are above or below average.
Display column summaries as titles in DataGrid control

Syncfusion Essential Studio UWP

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