Help & Manual Basic 8.0.3 Build 5500

Aggiunge l'opzione per pubblicare un elenco di collegamenti come testo separato da virgole.
Aprile 22, 2020
Nuova versione


  • Link lists with Inline Option - Added an inline option to publish a list of links as comma-separated text, instead of a classic list.
  • Admin Tool: Change File Associations - The View tab has a button to start a new tool, that sets, changes or removes file associations in Windows. A file association tells Windows which program to start when you double click, for instance, a file with the extension .HMXZ. These file associations are automatically set by the installer. For admins who administer floating licenses, however, this can be a big help.
  • PDF Layout Configuration - If you create PDF manuals with numbered outlines (outlines are the interactive TOC in a PDF file), the outline numbering was not reflected by the links that point to those topics. The PDF Layout configuration setting now features a configuration option whether to apply numberings to links as well or not.
  • eWriter eBooks: the eBook viewer has been updated to v2.3.5 and now supports external file links to other ebook files, with deep linking. This means you can open another eWriter ebook and jump a specific topic.
  • Insert Table dialog: when changing the table style, the number of heading rows is automatically changed as well.
  • Three new HTML variables have been introduced:
    • Generates an list of all topics that are on the same level as the current topic, excluding the current topic.
    • Generates an list of child topics of the current topic.
    • Generates an list of all anchors in the current topic.


  • Equations (math objects) were not exported to DOCX.
  • XML read bug: if a snippet tag is placed on a separate line in the XML source code, an extra blank line was inserted before the snippet.
  • Copy and paste of topics in TOC: topic title does no longer get an enumeration extension like “_2”.
  • List update bug: #150 and #151 in non-symbol fonts (dash and long dash) were sometimes displayed with a symbol charset.
  • Updated SubVersion comparison dialog / conflict editing dialog.
Publish a list of links as comma-separated text

Help & Manual Basic

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