DevExpress WPF 20.1.3

Aggiunge il nuovo controllo Schermata iniziale con il supporto per l'effetto acrilico.
Maggio 4, 2020
Nuova versione


.NET Core Design Time Support

  • Apply application themes from App.config to all designer previews.
  • Select non-visual elements (Data Grid columns, Toolbar and Ribbon items).
  • Documentation and Application Theme Smart Tags.

New Splash Screen

  • Fast startup.
  • New templates so you can deliver visually appealing Splash Screens that change colors based on application theme.
  • Acrylic effect support.
  • Ability to move a Splash Screen window.

Data Grid

  • Virtual Sources - Data Editing - Infinite and Paged sources now support data editing via Edit Entire Row. End users can press the Update button after entering cell values to post changes to a data source asynchronously.
  • Virtual Sources - Miscellaneous Enhancements
    • The WPF Data Grid bound to a virtual source can now process and display custom summaries.
    • The new ReloadRows method allows you to refresh individual rows. This method accepts a collection of row keys and passes them to the FetchRows event handler.
    • The WPF Data Grid now retains a selected row and scroll position after refresh if enough rows are loaded. Use the new Take property in the FetchRows event handler to obtain how many rows are within and above the viewport.

Data Grid and TreeList

  • New Filter Panel - The new Filter Panel displays separate tokens with filters for each column.
  • Filter Editor Enhancements - Extended operand types in the Filter Editor. Your end users can now select fields and date-time functions as needed.
  • Automatic Column Best Fit - The Data Grid and TreeList can automatically (and dynamically) resize columns to fit cell values during scroll operations. To enable this option, set a column's Width property to Auto. As you can see in the animation below, the WPF Data Grid / TreeList controls automatically recalculate optimal cell width for the target column (and dynamically recalculate cell width as records are scrolled).
  • Miscellaneous Enhancements
    • Use the TableView.ClipboardDataProvider and TreeListView.ClipboardDataProvider properties to obtain selected data during copy operations. You can get selected data in the following formats: TXT, RTF, Unicode, CSV, BIFF8, HTML.
    • New TableView.ClipboardRowCopying and TreeListView.ClipboardNodeCopying events allow you to customize copied data.
    • Set the RestoreStateOnSourceChange property to true. The Data Grid / TreeList control will restore component state (selection, focus, and grouping) when a new ItemsSource is assigned.
    • TableView.BestFitModeOnSourceChange / TreeListView.BestFitModeOnSourceChange.

Accordion Control

  • Restrict Item Selection - New API allows you to prevent accordion item selection.
    • The CanSelect property specifies whether an accordion item can be selected.
    • The CanSelectItem event allows you to prevent item selection based on a condition.
  • Show Popup on Hover - Use the new ShowPopupOnHover property to display a popup on mouse hover. When the mouse pointer leaves a popup, the Accordion control hides the popup with a delay. The delay is specified by the PopupHideDelay property.


  • Large Data Source Processing (CTP) - v20.1 introduces a new data processing option (XYSeries2D.AllowResample) to minimize memory footprint when processing extremely large datasets. This option is automatically enabled for 2D Charts with sorted numeric arguments and numeric values.
  • Calculated Fields - This release includes calculated field support. Calculated fields allow you to apply an expression to data source fields.
  • Side Margin Enhancements
    • You can specify side margins separately via the new Range.StartSideMargin and Range.EndSideMargin properties.
    • The Range.SideMarginSizeUnit property allows you to specify measurement units used to define side margins. Two options are available - Axis Unit (default) and Axis Range Percentage.
  • Edit Annotations at Runtime - End-users can now create text and image annotations via Ribbon commands (Add Text Annotation / Add Image Annotation). If the RuntimeEditing option is enabled, end-users can change existing annotations - edit text and replace images, or delete them via the Delete key.
  • Chart Toolbar - The WPF Chart Toolbar allows you to quickly customize chart elements. End-users can print a chart, invoke the Chart Designer, change on-screen data range and much more. Toolbar content is customizable - you can add your own items (commands) and hide items you consider unnecessary. You can use a Ribbon or traditional toolbar for Charts.
  • New DateTime Axis Mode - v20.1 includes a new SkipRangesWithoutPoints option. Enable it to automatically exclude all axis ranges without data points. This feature is especially useful for financial charting - you no longer need to manually define non-working date intervals.
  • Constant Lines - Runtime Editing - End-users can now add constant lines via Ribbon commands (Add Vertical Constant Line / Add Horizontal Constant Line). End-users can move a constant line, edit its title, or delete the line (via the Delete key).
  • Side Points - v20.1 includes the new Side Points chart element. You can configure markers and labels for the first and last series points independent of other series points.

Data Editors

  • Track Bar Enhancements - The WPF TrackBar Editor can now draw labels alongside ticks and display a tooltip with the current value when a user drags a thumb. You can customize tick label / tooltip content and appearance settings.
  • DateNavigator - CalendarControl API Enhancements
    • You can specify cell appearance for each cell state (today, disabled, mouse over, etc.). You must set all Date Navigator Appearance Options to use this feature.
    • You can define the DateNavigator's visible range.
    • Ability to choose which date format an end-user can select (months, years, range of years, etc.).
  • ItemsSourceChanged Event - ListBox, ComboBox, and Lookup editors include an ItemsSourceChanged event.
  • Select All on a Triple-Click - End-users can triple-click to select all text in the WPF Text Editors (TextEdit, ButtonEdit, and their descendants).
  • Mask - Improved Text Selection - Improved text selection for editors that support masked input. End-users can now select the desired portion of a given mask. To allow selection of the entire mask or any portion thereof, set the new UpdateSelectionOnMouseUp property to true.
  • DateEdit - Operation Mode Glyphs - The drop-down button displays different icons based on the Date Editor's operation mode.


  • Text Tool - The new Text Tool allows you and your users to add text labels to a diagram.
  • Properties Panel Localization API - Extended the 'DevExpress.Diagram.Core.Localization.DiagramControlStringId' class. You can now localize the Properties Panel.

Filtering UI

  • Filter Behavior - You can now associate the stand-alone Filter Panel control with a data-bound control (Chart, Grid, TreeList, etc.).

Gantt Control

  • Resources - You can assign resources to tasks and specify the percentage of time a resource spends on a task.
  • Backward Scheduling - Backward Scheduling allows you to manage projects that have a specific deadline. You can plan backwards - scheduling each task from a deadline to the beginning of the project.

Map Control

  • MapEllipse - Geodesic Shape Layout - MapEllipse now supports Geodesic shape layout. Also added the MapEllipse.CreateInPixelsByCenter method to create an ellipse based on a center point in Geographical coordinates and pixel dimensions.
  • Vector Tiles - Now support PBF and MBTiles vector files.
  • GeoJSON, KMZ, GPX Support - With this release, the Map Control supports new data providers designed to load data from GeoJSON, KMZ, and GPX files.
  • MapSpline - v20.1 includes a new MapSpline vector element. With it, you can draw a spline on your map as needed.

Pivot Grid

  • Customization Form Search - The Pivot Grid's Customization Form displays a search box that allows users to filter the list of available fields.
  • New Filter Panel - The new Filter Panel displays separate tokens with filters for each field.
  • Filter by Summary - The WPF Pivot Grid can now filter data by summary. Users can configure summary filters with a range selector in a pop-up window.
  • 'Week-Year' Group Interval.
  • New Summary Types for Server Mode and 'Optimized' Client Mode
    • New PivotGrid summary types include:
      • CountDistinct.
      • Median.
      • Mode.
    • The Expression editor ships with the following new functions:
      • CountDistinct().
      • Median().
      • Mode().
  • These new summary types are only available in Optimized Client Mode and Server Mode.

Ribbon and Toolbars

  • Backstage View Enhancements - You can now display a glyph for Backstage tab item headers. You can also display items at the bottom of the BackstageView.
  • BarItem - Trigger API - You can now use triggers based on custom conditions, mouse input, and visual states to control a BarItem’s appearance.

Rich Text Editor

  • Wrap Text Around a Table - The Rich Text Editor now allows you to change text wrapping around tables, table alignment and offset in code and via its UI.
  • Footnotes and Endnotes - The WPF Rich Text Editor supports footnotes and endnotes. New API allows you to access and edit notes in code. Documents with notes can be printed and exported to PDF.
  • Shape API Enhancements - You can now create any type of shape and:
    • Group shapes.
    • Change a shape’s fill, outline and position settings.
    • Remove shapes from a document.
  • Character Properties Enhancements - Included the following character spacing options:
    • Spacing.
    • Horizontal Scale.
    • Position.
    • Kerning.
  • These properties are available in code and via the control’s UI.
  • Custom XML - The Word Processing Document API and WinForms / WPF Rich Text Editors allow you to store custom XML data in DOCX and DOC documents. You can create, edit and remove custom XML in code.


  • Appointment and Time Region Filtering - You can now dynamically hide appointments and time regions. With the WPF Scheduler, you can define filter criteria in XAML or code-behind by using the criteria syntax. FilterAppointment and FilterTimeRegion events allow you to describe custom filtering logic. You can also bind the Scheduler to the Filter Editor or Filter Elements to incorporate the filtering UI in your WPF application.


  • XML Spreadsheet 2003 Format Support - The Spreadsheet Document API and WinForms / WPF Spreadsheet controls now support the XML Spreadsheet 2003 file format. You can load and save documents using this format as needed.
  • Calculation Accuracy - Significantly improved calculation accuracy for comparison operators and the following built-in functions:
    • ROUND, ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN, FLOOR (number rounding now replicates Microsoft Excel).
    • Date and time functions (WEEKNUM, YEARFRAC, DATEDIF, NETWORKDAYS.INTL).
    • Mathematical functions (SUM and AVERAGE).
    • Financial functions (EFFECT).


  • Visual Studio 2019 Themes - This release includes three new themes inspired by Microsoft Visual Studio 2019:
    • Visual Studio 2019 Blue.
    • Visual Studio 2019 Dark.
    • Visual Studio 2019 Light.
  • New Default Theme - In this release, changed the default theme to Office2019Colorful. This theme supports palettes, lightweight templates, and standard WPF control customization options (Background, BorderBrush, and BorderThickness).
  • Appearance Properties Support
    • The most recent themes (Office 2016 SE, Office 2019, VS 2017, VS 2019) now offer enhanced templates for the following controls:
      • Ribbon items, pages, categories, and groups.
      • Toolbars and Toolbar items.
      • Context menu and Context menu items.
      • SimpleButton, DropDownButton, and SplitButton.
    • These templates simplify appearance customization via the following appearance properties:
      • Background / Foreground;
      • BorderBrush;
      • BorderThickness;
      • CornerRadius;
      • Margin / Padding.
  • Standard Control Support - With this release, you can apply DevExpress WPF Office 2019/2016SE and Visual Studio 2017/2019 themes to PasswordBox, Menu, and ContextMenu controls.


  • Simplified SVG Declaration - You can now specify SVG icons.
New Splash Screen

DevExpress WPF

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