Rider 2020.3

Aggiunge nuove funzionalità .NET 5.0, C# 9 e F# 5.
Dicembre 14, 2020
Nuova versione


  • Microsoft .NET 5.0 and C# support - Support includes Source Generators, C# 9 features, new NuGet features, and new target frameworks. You can also create, build, run, debug, profile, and cover .NET 5 applications.


  • Immediate Window - Added a new Immediate Window with code assistance. It allows you to create synthetic variables when the program stops on a breakpoint and to experiment with your code without restarting the debugger.
  • New actions - New debugger actions are now available when debugging hasn't started:
    • If you use Start Debugging and Run to Here or Start Debugging and Run to Here Non-Stop, Rider will take you there, skipping any external method calls or breakpoints.
    • If you want to start debugging your application and stop the execution right in the beginning, as soon as it reaches the application entry point, use the Start Debugging and Step Over or Start Debugging and Step Into actions.
  • Private Source Link - Rider 2020.3 now provides full support for private source servers in both the debugger and the embedded decompiler. Rider supports sources located on GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, BitBucket, and Microsoft Azure DevOps (former VSTS). Rider can save authentication credentials for easy future access.
  • Other debugger updates
    • Added evaluation of methods that have out and ref parameters or declare out variables in the parameter list.
    • Significantly sped up the enumeration of IEnumerable sequences.
    • The ‘View’ link is now displayed correctly for objects with very long presentations.
    • Long strings are no longer truncated when you copy their values, and their evaluation has been optimized.

Project Dependency Diagram

  • The new architecture tool helps you visualize project dependencies in your solution and explore its architecture.
  • Explore the diagram - You can open the project dependency diagram. It follows your solution structure, and starts by showing all top-level items in your solution. You can select which projects or solution folders should be visible, change the scale, enable a grid (and the snap to grid option, if needed), and add notes to annotate certain projects.
  • Navigation - Use Ctrl+F on Microsoft Windows or Cmd+F on Apple macOS to find the project you want to focus on. The Show Neighbors of Selected Nodes toolbar button filters the project dependency diagram to the selected node, its direct dependencies, and the projects that depend on this project. For large project dependency diagrams, you can open the File Structure tool window and pan around using a high-level overview.
  • Analyze coupling between project - Click the Enable Coupling Analysis icon in the toolbar to perform analysis and update the diagram. The thickness, color, and style of the links can vary depending on how tight the coupling between projects is. Hover over the link and Rider will display a tooltip with the exact number of usages. Clicking the link will gather details about dependent code and display them in a separate tool window.
  • Save and compare snapshots - Save a snapshot of the project dependency diagram from the toolbar and then compare it with the current solution. Rider will highlight the differences between the diagrams.
  • Export diagrams - From the toolbar, you can export the diagram as an image and include it in your documentation.

Game Development

  • Unity - Rider 2020.3 updates Burst analysis, shader support, and unit testing, as well as a handful of helpful fixes.
    • Updated unit testing - Added support for the [Explicit] attribute, and parameterized test features. You can also run both edit and play mode tests in a single test run.
    • Improved the Unity log viewer tool window - Added the ability to filter based on the last time you switched the game to play mode, or the last time the game’s AppDomain was reloaded.

F# Support

  • F# 5 features - Added support for the new string interpolation syntax. Now you can mark a string with the $ symbol to make it interpolated and then put placeholders inside of the string literal. The “typed interpolations” syntax (%s and %d) for placeholders is also supported.
    • Added support for the nameof keyword which helps you convert almost any symbol in F# to its name.
    • Now supports open type declarations.
    • Other features and improvements:
      • Now you can now generate missing overrides in types and interface implementations, using both quick-fixes and context actions.
      • Added new syntax-highlighted tooltips to improve code readability.
      • New context actions to annotate let binding types.
      • Added the ability to configure severities of analyzers provided by the ReSharper backend.
      • Added new analyzers and quick-fixes.
      • Added typing assist.
      • There is now an action to rename files to match a module/type name.
      • The debugger now keeps better track of local variables in async workflows.

UI/UX Improvements

  • New Welcome screen - Redesigned the Welcome screen to make it clearer and more modern.
  • Search in Solution Explorer - Added “true” search to the Solution Explorer view.
  • Split the editor, drag and drop tabs - You can now split the editor when opening your file by pressing Shift+Enter. This works for files in the Project view and in the Search Everywhere popup. You can also drag and drop file tabs to split the editor vertically or horizontally, and move tabs between the splits.
  • Pinned tabs improvements - Pinned tabs now stick to the left side of the tab bar. You can also keep all your pinned tabs in one row. There’s also a new icon to indicate when a tab is pinned. Clicking on it unpins the file.
  • Syntax highlighting in tooltips - Added syntax highlighting in the tooltip popup to make the content inside easier to read and understand.
  • Preview tab - You can now open a file in a preview tab with a single click.
  • Build action on Touch Bar - Added the Build action to the Touch Bar for Apple macOS users.

Version Control

  • Now supports staging changes directly from Rider. You can stage and unstage files by clicking the + and - icons in the Commit view. You can also stage changes from the gutter or in the Diff view.
  • Added a new Git tab to the Search Everywhere dialog.
  • Improved working with branches - Rider now shows all the actions available for the currently selected branch.
  • Other VCS updates:
    • The VCS menu is now renamed to match the name of the version control system that you are currently using.
    • Patches are now created in the Git format.


  • Dynamic Program Analysis (DPA) - Dynamic Program Analysis plugin is now available on macOS and Linux for Microsoft .NET Core applications. It is available for applications targeting .NET Core 3.0 or later.
  • Microsoft Azure DevOps - The Azure DevOps plugin can create a new server workspace or import an existing one.
  • dotCover - The dotCover plugin lets you perform coverage analysis of applications targeting Microsoft .NET 5 on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • dotTrace - The performance profiler now lets you profile .NET 5 applications on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
    • Added a flame graph to the performance profiler – this is a visualization of the Call Tree that lets you find slow methods more quickly.
  • Azure Toolkit for Rider - You can now explore queue storage, add messages, view message content, and more.
    • Added initial support for running the new Azurite 3.9 alpha version with a table storage emulator as well.
  • AWS Toolkit for Rider
    • Added basic support for Amazon Elastic Container Registry.
    • Added support for local debugging of .NET Core 3.1 Lambda functions (requires SAM CLI version 1.4.0 or later).
    • The list of S3 buckets loads significantly faster than before.
  • Markdown - The Markdown tool now has a better preview UI and improved UX. Support for Mermaid.js has also been added.

Code Editor

  • Inlay Hints - Added a new "Push-to-Hint" mechanism for inlay hints.
  • File header - A template for a file header can now be specified. You can use it to add a copyright notice, company information, current user name, etc.
  • Code Style & Formatting - Added the ability to detect and configure formatting settings from the code editor.
    • Added an option to select a preferable syntax style for default values.

Avalonia Support

  • Code Analysis - Added proper support for $self, $parent, ^, and # syntax in Avalonia bindings, as well as proper validation of indexes in the $parent[] array.
    • Improved support for CompiledBinding and the x:CompileBindings extension.
    • The “Create from usage” quick-fix is available for all sorts of Avalonia properties.
    • Avalonia XAML support includes understanding of the CSS-like styling system.
  • Code completion - Code completion and parameter info are available for all XAML keywords, all sorts of markup extensions, x:Name, Style properties, Source properties for StyleInclude, and lots more.
  • Navigation - You can easily navigate to compiled binding data type, bound property, Avalonia control type, and x:Name declarations.
  • Find Usages - Find Usages helps you find all usages of method bindings, x:Name attributes, Style classes and setters, and all sorts of properties.
  • Refactorings - Rename and Safe Delete refactorings are now aware of all kinds of usages in Avalonia XAML code and update them accordingly.
  • Hierarchy and code structure - You can now observe the hierarchy and structure of the Avalonia XAML code.

Web Development

  • Improved Blazor support - Now supports generic type parameters and their type inference from usages and eliminating performance setbacks on opening solutions.
  • Support for Tailwind CSS - Rider can now help you work with Tailwind CSS more productively. The IDE will autocomplete your Tailwind classes, show you a preview of the resulting CSS on mouseover, and support the customizations you make using tailwind.config.js files.
  • Create React components from usages - Place the caret at your unresolved React code, press Alt+Enter, and select Create class/function component from the list – Rider will create the relevant code construct for you.
  • Other notable improvements include:
    • For JavaScript and TypeScript files, the Navigation bar now lets you jump to specific code elements in the current file.
    • Better formatting for template literals with CSS and HTML.
    • Full support for pnpm.

Database Support

  • SQL for MongoDB - Added JS-SQL translator so that you can now use SQL to query MongoDB databases.
    • Only SELECT queries work, and the working сlauses are JOIN, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, LIMIT, and OFFSET.
  • Added Couchbase support. It’s important to mention that Rider supports the Couchbase Query service, not the Couchbase Analytics service.
  • Added support for Microsoft Azure AD authentication.

Other Updates

  • Unit Testing - Unit tests can be launched for a specific target framework right from the code editor via the Alt+Enter menu. You can now export the results of unit tests execution from the Unit Test Session tab.
  • Xamarin - Added a new rich editor for Info.plist in Xamarin.iOS projects on all platforms. You don’t need to open Xcode to edit these files anymore.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Run configurations that are stored as files are now added to solution items in the Run Configurations folder.
    • You can now store Run Configuration templates as files and share them through the VCS.
    • Added an ability to evaluate simple math expressions in the Search Everywhere search field.
    • The IDE theme can be automatically synced with OS settings on Windows and macOS.
    • The performance of Solution-Wide Error Analysis has improved by approximately 25% thanks to turning off greedy inspection calculation.
Source Generators


Sviluppa le applicazioni .NET, ASP.NET, .NET Core, Xamarin o Unity su Windows, Mac o Linux.

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