Syncfusion Essential Studio for JavaScript 2021 Volume 4

Aggiunge la visualizzazione adattiva per i dispositivi mobili a Griglia ad albero insieme al supporto per il raggruppamento delle colonne del grafico.
Gennaio 4, 2022
Nuova versione


  • Common
    • Added a new Signature component - The Signature component is a graphical user interface that helps users draw a signature or text digitally. It provides support for background color, stroke color, and background image.
    • Preview to production-ready component - The Breadcrumb component has been developed to meet industrial standards. It is now marked as a production-ready component for Essential JS 2.
  • Breadcrumb
    • Overflow modes - The following list explains the new overflow modes:
      • Menu: Shows the number of breadcrumb items that can be accommodated within the container space, and creates a submenu with the remaining items.
      • Wrap: Wraps the items on multiple lines when the Breadcrumb’s width exceeds the container space.
      • Scroll: Shows an HTML scroll bar when the Breadcrumb’s width exceeds the container space.
      • None: Shows all the items on a single line.
  • Charts
    • Y-axis label rotation - This feature allows the user to rotate y-axis labels to a given angle.
    • Grouping in column chart - This feature allows users to group data points in column, range column, and bar charts based on categories.
    • Right-to-left (RTL) charts - Right-to-left (RTL) direction can be set for all chart elements like legend, tooltip, data label, title, etc.
    • Reversed legend - This feature allows users to reverse the rendering order of the legend items in a chart.
  • Word Processor
    • Microsoft Word 2013 justification - This feature improves the accuracy of text justification in the Word Processor component to match the justification alignment of Microsoft Word 2013 and newer versions.
  • Maps
    • LineString geometry type - The Maps control now supports rendering GeoJSON maps with the LineString geometry type. The LineString geometry type supports the rendering of lines, allowing for the creation of routes, navigation lines, and unique shapes in real time.
  • Pivot Table
    • Grand total placement - This feature allows the summarized totals (grand totals) to be displayed at the first or last position in the Pivot Table’s row and column axes.
    • Notification of UI actions - Using the action begin and complete events, one can now identify UI actions in the Pivot Table such as drill down and drill up, value sorting, grouping bar and field list UI actions, and CRUD operations. If the UI actions do not achieve the desired result, the action failure event is triggered. Overall, these events assist in communicating with the application on a regular basis based on user requirements.
  • Scheduler
    • Custom month view - This feature provides a flexible month view that starts from the beginning of the week the displayed date falls in. Users can set the number of weeks to be displayed in the current view.
    • Time zone display name - This feature allows users to customize the display names of the time zones in the editor window based on locale.
    • Microsoft Excel export customization - This feature allows users to customize the header names when the Scheduler is exported to Excel.
    • Minimum event duration - This feature allows users to set the minimum event duration to make the event subject easier to read.
    • Spanned events - This feature allows users to display spanned events (events longer than 24 hours) in the work cell area of the day, week, and workweek views.
  • Tabs
    • Active tab in popup - This feature allows users to customize the order of active tabs in the header area or inside the popup in popup mode.
  • TreeGrid
    • Adaptive view - The TreeGrid user interface has been redesigned to provide a better viewing experience and usability on small screens. The filter, pager, and edit dialogs will be rendered adaptively by this interface.
  • TreeView
    • Text wrap support - This feature allows the TreeView node text content to wrap onto the next line when it exceeds the width of the TreeView node.
Adaptive view for mobile devices and support for grouping chart columns

Syncfusion Essential Studio JavaScript

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