GoLand 2022.1.1

Aggiunge l'evidenziazione della sintassi e la navigazione per i file go.work.
Maggio 16, 2022
Nuova versione


  • Syntax highlighting and navigation for go.work - In this release, basic support has been added for go.work files. This update adds syntax highlighting in go.work, as well as the ability to navigate to modules.
  • Generics - Improved support for type parameters by adding some new inspections and fixing some bugs.
  • Report usage without instantiation - If you try to use a generic type without instantiation, GoLand will now display an error and suggest adding square brackets.
  • Report usage of a given type as a type parameter - Defining a named type on a passed type parameter is not permitted. As the Go documentation says, “the given type cannot be a type parameter” in a type definition. Usage of a given type as a type parameter is now highlighted as an error.
  • Report type arguments and parameters mismatch - You have to be consistent about the number of parameters in the type declaration and the number of arguments in type usages. The IDE will now help to keep things in order by reporting mismatches between arguments and parameters.
  • Highlight missing arguments for conversion - GoLand now shows an error if a type conversion to a generic type is missing the expression to be converted.
  • Fill generic struct fields - In GoLand, you can automatically generate field names for a struct. Now you can do the same with generic structs.
  • Support for the ‘all’ prefix in ‘//go:embed’ - Go’s //go:embed directive allows you to embed files and folders into the application binary at compile time without using an external tool. If you embed a directory, then all files beginning with a dot (.) or underscore (_) are excluded. To include them, you need to use the all prefix. GoLand now supports this prefix.
  • Helm and Go templates - Added two new context groups to the Live Templates - Go Template and Helm. There are several default templates in the Go Template group and one in the Helm group. You can add your custom live templates in both groups and link them to any of the added contexts.


Un IDE multipiattaforma creato appositamente per gli sviluppatori Go.

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