Space - rilascio maggio 2022

I nuovi lavori di automazione di Space consentono di eseguire flussi di lavoro CI/CD che non sono possibili con i contenitori.
Giugno 10, 2022
Nuova versione



  • Introduced Space Automation workers - A new way to run your Automation jobs on your own hardware or on virtual machines in the Space Cloud. Automation workers let you perform CI/CD workflows that are not possible with containers. An Automation worker is a lightweight Java application that runs on Linux, Microsoft Windows, or Apple macOS. A worker connects to Automation via the Space HTTP API, gets jobs and source code from Space, runs the jobs, and reports the results back to Space.
    • Space self-hosted workers - Using Space self-hosted workers, you can run any build script on your own hardware on Linux, Windows, and macOS. Build full Microsoft .NET Framework apps on Windows and run builds on specific hardware, for example to build Apple iOS and macOS apps, run ML tasks on GPUs, and more.
    • Space Cloud workers - With Space Cloud workers, you can run build scripts on virtual machines hosted on the Space Cloud infrastructure. This means you can use them for CI/CD tasks that require full access to the system, which is not possible in Docker containers​​.
    • How to choose a run environment for a job - The environment where a job will run depends on various conditions. Now, there are two available pool types – Space Automation Cloud (default) and self-hosted workers. You can override the default pool value using the Requirements block.


  • Introducing Time Tracking in Issues - You can now log and track time spent working on issues in Space. This update allows you and your colleagues to keep track of time spent on tasks and report the results to a manager or a client with downloadable .csv files.
    • Log time spent on issues - To log time spent on an issue, go to the issue and click on ‘Spent time‘. Then, add Duration, Start day, and Description, @mention someone, or change the Assignee.
    • Log time spent on sub-issues - Adding time to sub-issues can be done in exactly the same way as issues. When logging time spent on a sub-issue, the overall issue time will be increased automatically.
    • Download time tracking reports - To download a report in .csv format, go to the issue and click on ‘Time tracking report’ in the top right-hand corner. To view and log time spent on issues, you need the appropriate permissions. You can grant them to your colleagues as a project administrator, or request them from your admin as a user.
    • Time tracking functionality is available in the Team plan and above.
  • Introducing Matrix reports for issues in Space - You can now create and export Matrix reports for issues in Space. This report allows you to display issues for two customizable attribute values, and view them as a matrix or a chart. You can customize your report by choosing issue attributes for the X and Y axes between Assignee, Created by, Status, and Tag. Sort the data by clicking on the arrows next to the attributes. To access the list of respective issues, simply click on a number in the table. Visualize your report as either a matrix or a chart by changing the report view.
  • Export Project Issue list from Space - You can now export your Project Issue list in either .csv or .xlsx format as well. Go to your Project > Issues and click on the Reports button in the top right corner, where you can select the format to export the issue list in.


  • Space has been added to the Toolbox App - You can now access all your favorite Space projects right from the JetBrains Toolbox App.
    • You can connect your Space account, as well as the other team tools and SaaS applications, in a new Services tab.
    • Open your favorite Space projects directly from a list in the Toolbox App.

Code reviews

  • Create code reviews and merge requests instantly - You can now create code reviews and merge requests in just a few clicks. Press + on the left menu no matter where you are in Space and select what you want to create - Code Review or Merge Request. Space will automatically suggest the repositories and branches that you’ve recently pushed changes to.
Space Automation workers

Space Cloud

Una piattaforma di sviluppo software completa.

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