Syncfusion Essential Studio for JavaScript 2022 Volume 2

Aggiunge il nuovo componente Sequenza e la Tabella pivot aggiunge il supporto per l'ordinamento personalizzato.
Luglio 1, 2022
Nuova versione


  • Common
    • TypeScript 4.7 support - Syncfusion components are now compatible with TypeScript version 4.7.
    • License registration improvements - The license key can now be registered using the npx command.
    • Dart Sass support - Syncfusion EJ2 component Sass files are now compiled using Dart Sass instead of node-sass.
    • Production-ready components - The Carousel component has been developed to meet industry standards. It is now marked as production-ready for Essential JS 2.
  • Carousel
    • Pause on hover - This feature allows users to play or pause slides when hovering the mouse pointer over the Carousel element.
  • Charts
    • Keyboard navigation - This feature allows users to use the keyboard to navigate through interactive elements such as title, data points and legends. You can also zoom and pan the chart.
    • Range color mapping - highlight and select - This feature allows users to highlight and select data points based on range and point color mapping.
  • Data Grid
    • Select specific rows using header checkbox.
    • Customize headers when exporting data grids including text orientation, font color, width of header text and more.
    • Data annotation for validation - This feature provides data annotation support for server-side validation during CRUD operations.
    • Search box with clear icon - A single click of the clear icon clears the text in the search box as well as the search results in the grid.
  • Diagram
    • Bezier connector with multiple editing points - This feature allows users to adjust the curve of bezier connectors using multiple intermediate control points. Users can also control the visibility of all bezier control points.
    • Limit orthogonal connector segments - This feature allows users to limit the maximum segment count of an orthogonal connector when editing at runtime.
    • Connector splitting - This feature allows users to split the connector when dropping a new node onto an existing connector and creating a connection between the new node and existing nodes.
    • Customize orthogonal connector segments icon including shape, stroke-color, stroke-width and fill.
  • Word Processor
    • Track changes - restriction type - This feature restricts users from accepting or rejecting tracked changes, while editing a Microsoft Word document
    • Paragraph border - This feature allows users to add borders to the paragraphs in a Word document.
    • RTL text enhancements:
      • Display the RTL text in a bi-directional layout.
      • Select and navigate bi-directionally.
      • Insert the input RTL text in a bi-directional layout.
  • Gantt Chart
    • Critical path - Added the ability to highlight a single task or a chain of linked tasks that has a direct impact on the project’s end date.
    • State persistence - Added the ability to retain the state of a Gantt Chart using local storage on browser reload. The state can also be saved and restored manually.
  • Maps
    • Extended geometry type support - ASP.NET Core Maps now supports rendering GeoJSON files with “MultiLineString”, “MultiPoint”, and “GeometryCollection” geometry types.
    • Additional online map providers - ASP.NET Core Maps now supports online map providers such as ESRI, TomTom, and Mapbox. Markers, marker clusters, navigation lines, zooming, panning, and other essential options can be rendered over online maps.
    • Legend support for online map providers - Legend support is now provided for markers rendered over online map providers such as OSM, Bing, Mapbox, and others. Additionally, a legend for layers and markers on sub-layers over online map providers is supported.
  • Pivot Table
    • Custom sorting - Added the ability to sort specific field members, also known as headers, either in the ascending or descending order.
    • Field search - Allows the user to search for a specific field in the field list UI, and add or remove fields from the current report.
  • Rich Text Editor
    • Insert text programmatically in Markdown editor - The Rich Text Editor now allows you to insert text programmatically in the Markdown editor at the current cursor position.
    • First and last column resizing in tables - Added the ability to resize the first and last columns of a table without resizing the other columns.
  • Scheduler
    • Delimiter in CSV export - This feature sets a delimiter when exporting Scheduler events to CSV.
  • Tree Grid
    • Indent and outdent row - Added the ability to indent or outdent a selected row.
    • Row drag and drop with virtualization - Added the ability to drag and drop rows within the tree grid. Dynamically reorder rows and bind large data swiftly in a tree grid.
Pivot Table custom sorting

Syncfusion Essential Studio JavaScript

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