DataGrip 2022.2.2

Migliora l'interfaccia utente Modifica oggetto con la possibilità di aggiungere un riquadro di modifica e trasformarlo in una scheda.
Agosto 24, 2022
Nuova versione


  • Improved the Modify Object UI.
    • Added the ability to pin an editing pane and make it into a tab.
    • You can now explore the object tree without opening the corresponding editing pane. In other words, you can choose whether a single-click or a double-click will let you edit the object.
    • The kebab menu next to the column name lets you create a primary key or a unique constraint. The action creates a new tab in the background.
    • Foreign keys and indexes can now be created from the context menu of the column.
    • Completion now works for the names of columns in indexes and primary and foreign keys.
    • The names of indexes and keys can now be auto-generated. If you don’t like this behavior, you can turn it off by clicking on the ‘two circular arrows’ button next to the object’s name.
    • Buttons are now available for invoking code completion.
    • The ‘New’ action now respects the context: If you invoke it from the ‘columns’ node, a column will be created. Or if you invoke it from the table name in the left-hand pane, a popup will appear to let you choose an object.
    • New and edited objects are now highlighted in green and blue, respectively. Modified fields are in blue.
    • Changes to an object or field can now be reverted.
    • Escape no longer closes the window silently. Instead it will now warn you that you’re about to lose your changes.
    • If you run into any errors while executing a generated script, the dialog will no longer close after the execution attempt.
Modify Object UI


Un database IDE diretto a soddisfare le esigenze specifiche di sviluppatori SQL e amministratori di database professionisti.

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