DevExpress ASP.NET 22.1.5

Migliora i controlli Progettazione report Web, Editor testo RTF e Visualizzazione griglia.
Settembre 12, 2022
Nuova versione


ASP.NET Bootstrap

  • Bootstrap Data Editors
    • Bootstrap TagBox - Edge on touch device - The dropdown element is closed and an item is not selected if it is selected when another item was previously selected.

Microsoft ASP.NET Core

  • All ASP.NET Core products
    • Reporting - The "Object is currently in use elsewhere." error may occur while generating reports after upgrade to v22.1.
    • Web Document Viewer - Report entries are not deleted from the Microsoft Azure BLOB storage in a distributed environment.
    • Web Report Designer - A report's modified state may be reset after invoking Expression Editor.
    • Web Report Designer - DateTime parameter values specified in the Object Data Source wizard using an expression cause a client-side error.
    • Web Report Designer - The list of lookup values may be incorrectly rendered in the "Edit Parameters" window.
  • DevExtreme Charts & Gauges
    • Sparkline - The "that._incidentOccurred is not a function" error occurs if the valueField property is removed.
    • The type declaration of exportWidgets is incorrect.
  • DevExtreme DataGrid
    • A focused row is not visible if calculateSortValue returns an object and customSortingMethod is used to sort key values.
    • A header filter does not display all correct values when a custom editor is used for a column.
    • Accessibility - Header filter and filter row buttons have wrong role attributes.
    • Accessibility - Rows have `aria-selected=false` even when selection is disabled.
    • Accessibility - Selection checkboxes don't have the aria-label attribute.
    • Disabling keyboard navigation prevents focusing row using mouse.
    • FocusedRowKey option is cleared when changing the selection.
    • If a column uses the editCellTemplate function and the showEditorAlways property is enabled, the edited value of the previous cell is not saved.
    • It is not possible to switch tabs in the details section if the scrolling mode is set to standard or virtual.
    • Lookup column filtering with calculateCellValue doesn't work.
    • SelectAll checkbox is not updated when only repaintChanges is true.
    • The last rows in fixed columns are shifted when the scrolling mode is set to 'virtual' and showScrollbar is set to 'always'.
    • The order of items in an adaptive detail row is not correct if a banded layout is used.
    • The second-to-last page is incorrectly rendered after setting pageIndex to the last index.
    • DataGrid Demo - Duplicated RemoteOperations method call in Custom Editors ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET MVC demos.
    • DataGrid doesn't render translated texts in "aria-label" attributes for pager buttons.
  • DevExtreme Dialogs & Notifications
    • DataGrid - Fixed column cells' text overlaps text in Toast messages.
  • DevExtreme Editors & Validation
    • PivotGrid - ContextMenu's width is not adjusted to the width of the item text.
    • TagBox\SelectBox - A popup window is displayed with a gap when it's opened for the second time if floating labels are used.
  • DevExtreme File Management
    • File Manager - The size of a custom thumbnail icon is calculated incorrectly in a progress panel that results in hiding the panel's content.
  • DevExtreme Gantt
    • DevExtreme Gantt for MVC - It is not possible to use a column's Visible property.
    • Chart view is not expanded after adding a task to a collapsed node.
    • Gantt for Angular - TreeList doesn't save the collapsed state after editing a task in the Gantt chart area.
  • DevExtreme HTML Editor
    • A table width isn't displayed in a context menu after inserting a table and changing it.
  • DevExtreme Project Templates and Wizards
    • DevExtreme Scaffolder crashes when a Microsoft SQL Server Database project is in the solution.
  • DevExtreme Scheduler
    • "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'left')" error occurs when virtual scrolling is enabled.
    • Appointment's start/end time is applied incorrectly in certain cases when it is affected by the daylight saving time.
    • Standard appointment popup is shown even when it is canceled.
  • DevExtreme ThemeBuilder
    • ThemeBuilder doesn't build a custom theme based on Bootstrap 5.2.x.
    • ThemeBuilder doesn't show any errors on the page if the import fails.
  • Query Builder
    • Web Query Builder - It is not possible to invoke the date editor in Filter Editor in case it exceeds the popup width.
  • Rich Text Editor for ASP.NET Core
    • The Find and Replace dialog does not search words in a document.
    • Bulleted and numbered lists are incorrectly rendered in RichEdit integrated into a Vue application.
    • It's not possible to add/delete table rows in a protected document.
    • TC fields are lost on updating a TOC field in a certain document.

Microsoft ASP.NET MVC

  • All ASP.NET MVC products
    • Reporting - The "Object is currently in use elsewhere." error may occur while generating reports after upgrade to v22.1.
    • Web Report Designer - "Unable to process binding: Cannot find template with ID dxrd-svg-errorPanel-ınformation" error may occur in Microsoft Edge browser in certain cases.
    • Web Report Designer - A report's modified state may be reset after invoking Expression Editor.
    • Web Report Designer - The list of lookup values may be incorrectly rendered in the "Edit Parameters" window.
  • Data Access Library
    • SqlDataSource - Master-Detail Relation Editor does not display copied queries.
  • DevExtreme Charts & Gauges
    • Sparkline - The "that._incidentOccurred is not a function" error occurs if the valueField property is removed.
    • The type declaration of exportWidgets is incorrect.
  • DevExtreme DataGrid
    • A focused row is not visible if calculateSortValue returns an object and customSortingMethod is used to sort key values.
    • A header filter does not display all correct values when a custom editor is used for a column.
    • Accessibility - Header filter and filter row buttons have wrong role attributes.
    • Accessibility - Rows have `aria-selected=false` even when selection is disabled.
    • Accessibility - Selection checkboxes don't have the aria-label attribute.
    • Disabling keyboard navigation prevents focusing row using mouse.
    • FocusedRowKey option is cleared when changing the selection.
    • If a column uses the editCellTemplate function and the showEditorAlways property is enabled, the edited value of the previous cell is not saved.
    • It is not possible to switch tabs in the details section if the scrolling mode is set to standard or virtual.
    • Lookup column filtering with calculateCellValue doesn't work.
    • The last rows in fixed columns are shifted when the scrolling mode is set to 'virtual' and showScrollbar is set to 'always'.
    • The order of items in an adaptive detail row is not correct if a banded layout is used.
    • The second-to-last page is incorrectly rendered after setting pageIndex to the last index.
    • DataGrid Demo - Duplicated RemoteOperations method call in Custom Editors ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET MVC demos.
    • DataGrid doesn't render translated texts in "aria-label" attributes for pager buttons.
  • DevExtreme Editors & Validation
    • PivotGrid - ContextMenu's width is not adjusted to the width of the item text.
    • TagBox\SelectBox - A popup window is displayed with a gap when it's opened for the second time if floating labels are used.
  • DevExtreme File Management
    • File Manager - The size of a custom thumbnail icon is calculated incorrectly in a progress panel that results in hiding the panel's content.
  • DevExtreme Gantt
    • It is not possible to use a column's Visible property.
    • Chart view is not expanded after adding a task to a collapsed node.
    • Gantt for Angular - TreeList doesn't save the collapsed state after editing a task in the Gantt chart area.
  • DevExtreme Scheduler
    • "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'left')" error occurs when virtual scrolling is enabled.
    • Appointment's start/end time is applied incorrectly in certain cases when it is affected by the daylight saving time.
  • DevExtreme ThemeBuilder
    • ThemeBuilder doesn't build a custom theme based on Bootstrap 5.2.x.
    • ThemeBuilder doesn't show any errors on the page if the import fails.
  • MVC GridView
    • A date string cannot be pasted in a date column if its format is different from the culture's format.
    • Remote validation doesn't work if the Tabbed Layout Group is used in the EditForm Layout properties.
  • MVC HTML Editor
    • The AzureSettings.GenerateUniqueFileNamePrefix property does not affect auto-generating names of uploaded files.
  • MVC QueryBuilder
    • Web Query Builder - It is not possible to invoke the date editor in Filter Editor in case it exceeds the popup width.
  • MVC RichEdit
    • NullReferenceException is thrown on an attempt to paste a specific shape into Rich Text Editor in Azure.
    • A document cannot be saved to the same location if the Settings.Behavior.Save option is disabled or hidden.
    • The "Access to document is restricted and the editor needs to be reloaded" error occurs on an attempt to edit a protected document.

ASP.NET WebForms

  • All ASP.NET WebForms products
    • Reporting - The "Object is currently in use elsewhere." error may occur while generating reports after upgrade to v22.1.
    • Web Report Designer - A report's modified state may be reset after invoking Expression Editor.
    • Web Report Designer - The list of lookup values may be incorrectly rendered in the "Edit Parameters" window.
  • ASPxDataEditors
    • ASPxComboBox - The column size is incorrect when ClientVisible=false in AccessibilityCompliant mode.
    • TextBox for WebForms - Android devices - The TextChanged/ValueChanged event is not raised if the Mask property is assigned.
  • ASPxGantt
    • The client-side GetTaskData method doesn't return custom columns' data when editing is disabled.
  • ASPxGridView
    • A date string cannot be pasted in a date column if its format is different from the culture's format.
    • Android devices - The Search editor loses focus when a user tries to type the first time.
  • ASPxHtmlEditor
    • The AzureSettings.GenerateUniqueFileNamePrefix property does not affect auto-generating names of uploaded files.
    • Content is incorrectly filtered if StyleAttributeFilterMode is set to "BlackList" and the font name consists of several words.
  • ASPxQueryBuilder
    • Web Query Builder - It is not possible to invoke the date editor in Filter Editor in case it exceeds the popup width.
  • ASPxRichEdit
    • A document cannot be saved to the same location if the Settings.Behavior.Save option is disabled or hidden.
    • The "Access to document is restricted and the editor needs to be reloaded" error occurs on an attempt to edit a protected document.
    • The server-side exception occurs if the whole unprotected range is selected and its format is changed.
  • Data Access Library
    • SqlDataSource - Master-Detail Relation Editor does not display copied queries.


  • All Blazor products
    • Web Query Builder - It is not possible to invoke the date editor in Filter Editor in case it exceeds the popup width.
    • DxReportViewer - Zooming a document displays the "(none)" zoom value.
    • Reporting - The "Object is currently in use elsewhere." error may occur while generating reports after upgrade to v22.1.
    • Web Report Designer - A report's modified state may be reset after invoking Expression Editor.
    • Web Report Designer - The list of lookup values may be incorrectly rendered in the "Edit Parameters" window.
  • Charts for Blazor
    • A page stops responding to user actions after some time if the chart is bound to constantly changing data.
    • The whole pie chart disappears on unselecting a series in the legend when AllowToggleSeries is enabled.
  • Data Editors for Blazor
    • Blazor Mask - Different exceptions are raised in v22.1 while running a Blazor Server application with client-side (WebAssembly) masks.
    • CheckBox for Blazor - Bootstrap 4 - Switch mode is not properly rendered inside EditForm.
    • ComboBox for Blazor - Doesn't work in Safari browser if multi-column mode is enabled.
    • DateEdit for Blazor - An incorrect year is displayed in the calendar section if the Thailand culture is set.
    • DateEdit for Blazor - The Today button should not clear the time part.
    • DxCheckBox - An internal input element is not focused on pressing the Tab key if a tabindex attribute is specified for a root element.
    • FileAttachments.Blazor - FileData upload control's right border is truncated.
  • DataGrid for Blazor (Maintenance)
    • Columns are rendered in an incorrect order.
  • Grid for Blazor
    • Column text is aligned incorrectly for enum values.
    • Performance is slow on selecting rows in a grid if the grid displays a lot of records at once.
    • Sorting is applied to a column after it was resized and its width is less than the caption length.
    • DxGrid performance is slow on changing the selection state and highlighting a new row.
    • "System.InvalidOperationException: DevExpress.Blazor.DxCheckBox requires a value for the 'CheckedExpression' property" exception is thrown when using the Column Chooser if the grid is placed inside the EditForm component.
    • A title is not displayed for editors inside FilterRowCellTemplate if text is trimmed.
    • GridDevExtremeDataSource - Grid doesn't send any request for data if the *All* page size is selected.
    • The SelectedDataItemsChanged event is raised after an already selected row is clicked.
  • Navigation & Layout for Blazor
    • DxTreeView for Blazor - TreeView Node expansion is slow.
    • TreeView for Blazor - Data in NodeTextTemplate doesn't reflect changes.
  • PivotGrid for Blazor
    • Sorting does not work if FormLayout is used on a page.
  • Rich Text Editor for Blazor
    • IBarCheckableButton does not contains definitions for IconCssClass or IconID.
    • An extra empty page is displayed in a document if it contains an image in the header.
  • Scheduler for Blazor
    • Appointment Form editors are incorrectly aligned if styles from Bootstrap 4 are used.
    • InvalidOperationException occurs on showing a built-in Date Navigator calendar if the DxScheduler control is located within the Edit Form container.
DevExpress ASP.NET

DevExpress ASP.NET and Blazor

Tutte le suite di componenti, le raccolte e le estensioni pluripremiate ASP.NET, MVC, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Bootstrap e Blazor prodotte da DevExpress in un unico pacchetto integrato.

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