Actipro WPF Studio 22.1.5

Aggiunge la compatibilità con .NET 7 e migliora i controlli Ancoraggio, Griglie e Barra multifunzione.
Aprile 6, 2023
Nuova versione


  • All
    • Validated Microsoft .NET 7 compatibility.
  • Docking
    • Improved tool window-only layout deserialization logic for tool windows that will restore to tabbed MDI.
  • Grids
    • Improved UIA peer logic.
    • Updated 'TreeListBox.InvalidateChildren' to work properly for the root item when 'IsRootItemVisible' is false.
    • Updated TreeListBox to not handle number pad arithmetic keys if focus is within an embedded TextBoxBase control.
  • Ribbon
    • Updated group dialog launcher buttons to report an appropriate name via UI automation properties.
    • Updated ScreenTip help text to wrap in scenarios where long localized strings cause it to extend past the ScreenTip width.
  • SyntaxEditor
    • Added 'ITextSnapshot.GetWordText' and 'GetWordTextRange' method overloads that accept a 'TextOffsetAffinity' argument.
    • Added the 'CodeSnippetSelectionSession.RequestNavigate' event, which can be used to handle description tip link clicks.
    • Improved the logic of the move selected lines up and down commands.
    • Updated pointer interaction in an editor view to quit if the view is unable to be focused.
  • .NET Languages Add-on
    • Improved the 'IProjectAssemblyReferencesCollection.Add' method logic in Microsoft .NET Core and later for finding system assemblies by name when they are in the same folder as mscorlib.dll.
    • Updated how an internal 'TypeReferenceCollection' class initializes several properties for better multi-thread scenario support.
  • Themes
    • Updated how WindowChrome's built-in shadow handles size changes for windows that use 'SizeToContent'.
    • Updated WindowChrome to use new instances of 'WindowChromeTitleBarHeaderTemplateSelector' per WindowChrome instance, allowing WindowChrome to be applied properly on Microsoft Windows in different threads.
    • Updated WindowChrome to not use rounded corners in Microsoft Windows 11 when the system indicates rounded corners are not allowed.
  • Views
    • Updated 'MultiColumnPanel' to use layout rounding.
  • Shared
    • Added new 'ICommand' implementations for previewable and composite commands.
    • Added the 'PopupButton.PopupPlacement' property.
    • Added a couple of 'VisualTreeHelperExtended' methods for invalidating measurement.
    • Updated 'ResizablePopupContentHost' to support horizontal resizing.
    • Updated 'PopupButton' to prevent an ancestor 'ScrollViewer' from closing its popup when clicking on the whitespace area of the popup.
Actipro WPF Studio

Actipro WPF Studio

Una suite di controlli e componenti dell'interfaccia utente professionali per WPF.

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