JointJS Blog - Diagrammi di classe UML: tutto ciò che devi sapere

I diagrammi di classe UML forniscono una rappresentazione grafica delle classi, delle interfacce e degli oggetti in un sistema orientato a oggetti.
Aprile 11, 2023
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JointJS+ (formerly known as Rappid) is a powerfull JavaScript diagramming tool that can be used to create advanced visual and No-Code/Low-Code tools in days, not months. Whether you're looking to develop a workflow automation editor, BPMN application, chatbot builder or another interactive diagramming studio, JointJS+ speeds up your development significantly by providing all the necessary UI components and features.

In this blog post, JointJS's Martin Kaněra takes you through a detailed examination of UML Class Diagrams, including:

  • Benefits of using UML class diagrams
  • UML Class Notation
  • UML Abstract Class
  • UML Interface
  • Comparison with other types of UML diagrams
  • Much more!

Read the complete blog post and learn how to use these Class Diagrams to design and document software systems.

JointJS+ powers exceptional UIs.


Libreria di diagrammi JavaScript che alimenta interfacce utente eccezionali.

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