SharePoint AD Administration released

Safely delegate limited Active Directory administration permissions and user management in SharePoint.
Maggio 6, 2011
Comunicato stampa

SharePoint AD Administration provides the systems administrator authorization to delegate other managers with limited abilities to create, edit, rename, and/or delete OUs (Organizational Units) and AD (Active Directory) properties. These delegated individuals can also have the capabilities to reset passwords, create and manage users and groups, and edit AD profiles from within a predefined OU. By delegating specified managers with limited abilities, SharePoint AD Admin will decrease the total workload of System Administrators.


  • Allows administrator to permit any user with the ability to change AD properties
  • Administrator can grant any user with authoritative power to manage organizational units, users and groups in AD
  • With the permission of the administrator, users can e-mail other users or groups directly from within AD admin web part
  • Administrator can decide which properties to restrict from certain users
  • Administrator can decide delegation scope and permission for each user
  • Display users, groups and sites in an alphabetical view, sites view, or AD organization view
  • Records each operation in a log file

About SharePointBoost

SharePointBoost is a leading developer of SharePoint solutions that bridge the gap between SharePoint out-of-the-box and the custom functionality needed to make daily business operations smooth and efficient. SharePointBoost believe that all businesses should have access to advanced technology solutions tailored to their specific needs and delivered with professional service and support. SharePointBoost have developed a complete suite of fully-customizable SharePoint solutions for just this purpose, designed to unlock the full potential of SharePoint.

Using the SharePoint AD Administration Web part.

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