Actipro WinForms Studio 24.1.1

Released: Sep 10, 2024

Aggiornamenti in 24.1.1


  • Docking
    • Updated DocumentWindow and ToolWindow with public static properties for several default size and location values.
  • SyntaxEditor
    • Added the ability to hold the Ctrl key to make IntelliPrompt sessions semi-transparent.
    • Updated IntelliPrompt completion item inline descriptions to trim properly when necessary.
    • Updated visible whitespace tab arrows to only render when there is enough space.
    • Updated outlining margin rendering logic for view lines with intra-line spacers.
    • Updated the outlining margin to scale its width and outlining nodes based on changes in the view's default font size.
    • Updated how rendering logic processes clip regions.
    • Updated the SyntaxEditor.Dispose logic to dispose the internal timer.
    • Updated the logic for pasting a full line when there is a selection to match current Visual Studio editor behavior.
    • Updated all key processing to consistently handle modifier keys.
    • Updated IntelliPrompt completion session logic for canceling the session if the placement bounds are no longer in view.
    • Updated bookmark, breakpoint, and current statement indicators to auto-scale based on indicator margin bounds instead of DPI.
    • Updated hit test logic.
  • .NET Languages Add-on
    • Updated IntelliPrompt tips to include documentation comment remarks sections, if available.
    • Updated the Roslyn binary assembly loading logic.
    • Updated C# context factory logic related to range operators.


  • Bars
    • Fixed an issue where dragging a tool window over an outer dock guide that was positioned over a tool window would display the dock guide in the correct location but would actually dock to the tool window instead of the outer edge.
  • SyntaxEditor
    • Fixed an issue introduced in the previous build that was incorrectly clipping text in printer views.
    • Fixed code snippet template session not correctly recognizing Shift+Tab to move to the previous field.
    • Fixed search view not executing "Find All" when Ctrl+Enter was pressed in the "Find What" textbox.
    • Fixed scrollbar renderers not being updated when using a global renderer and changing the color scheme.
  • .NET Languages Add-on
    • Fixed an issue where VBIndentProvider might not indent properly after lines containing commas.
  • Shared
    • Fixed an issue where ITextLayout may not apply text formats properly in a certain scenario.