ActiveState Platform July 2020

Released: Aug 15, 2020

Aggiornamenti in July 2020


  • ActiveState Platform extension for the Microsoft Visual Studio Code Editor - Added a Microsoft Visual Studio Code extension (plugin) which adds ActivePython as a supported Python installation that can be used by the VS Code editor and Microsoft’s Python extension. The extension supports the following key features:
    • It simplifies the addition of a Python language runtime environment to your project.
    • It automatically sets up your development environment to use your configured Python runtime environment during development for:
      • Intellisense (auto completion).
      • Debugging.
      • Integrated terminal sessions.
    • It enables basic user management.
    • It automates the State Tool (CLI) installation, which simplifies management of your runtime.
  • Open Source - The ActiveState Platform command line tool, State Tool, is now open source.
  • New Feature: Build Failure Feedback - ActiveState now provide a mechanism to leverage the knowledge of the ActiveState Platform community to help you find a solution to get your build working.
  • New Featured Project: Perl Testing Tools - Perl has a huge set of great testing tools that come with the base language. This runtime is designed to provide you with many of the best third party test tools.