DevExpress ASP.NET 20.1.7

Released: Aug 27, 2020

Aggiornamenti in 20.1.7


All ASP.NET Web Forms products

  • GridView for WebForms - The "Preview Changes" window doesn't contain unmodified fields of rows.
  • The "HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component" error occurs on a page with ASPxRoundPanel after applying the hotfix from the T893916 report.
  • The dxHighContrast class is not applied to the element in modern Microsoft Edge and FireFox browsers.


  • DevAV Demo - A search panel filter is lost after any callback in the grid on the Tasks.aspx page.


  • It is not possible to collapse/expand a group row if EndlessPaging is used.
  • Endless paging doesn't work if the Settings.LayoutMode property is changed in the ToolbarItemClick event handler.
  • The BreakpointsCard.Paddings property has no effect.


  • SpinEdit - Increment/decrement buttons are incorrectly aligned if the Height property is changed and Bootstrap is used.


  • An exported file's name cannot be changed.
  • Shape connector data source doesn't update edge text fields (BatchUpdateRouteValues) if new fields are added.
  • The context menu is closed as soon as the right mouse button is released on Apple macOS.


  • Dates in the time line are not localized when editing is disabled.


  • Design-time functionality - The ValueType property is missing in the Data section of Combo Box Properties.
  • DevAV Demo - A search panel filter is lost after any callback in the grid on the Tasks.aspx page.
  • Columns are incorrectly rendered in Responsive mode if the accessibilityCompliant option is enabled.
  • The TokenBox / TagBox column in the DataSecurityMode = Strict mode throw NullReferenceException when saving a non-modified empty value in the Batch Edit Mode.
  • A custom command button has incorrect vertical alignment if the ButtonType property is set to "Image".
  • Command buttons are not enabled after adding a new row if the e.cancel property is set to true in the FocusedRowChanging event handler.
  • The "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key" error occurs if batch editing is enabled and a grid's page size is changed during callbacks.
  • The right-aligned toolbar item does not align correctly after callback requests.


  • Items of ordered lists are continuously added after the Enter key is pressed if these items were created in the Html View.
  • A table jumps during resizing.
  • Cell alignment does not change after modifying cell content twice.
  • The "Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined" error occurs after deleting an element via the Tag Inspector.
  • HtmlEditor doesn't work with CodeMirror on the same page.
  • A bullet list replaces the ordered item in front of the table when it is added to a table located between items of an ordered list.
  • The table layout gets broken on moving the caret to a new line in a table located between list items.
  • The "Remove Format" command does not remove inline styles for table header cells.
  • "Cannot read property 'parentNode' of undefined" error occurs on an attempt to select a read-only input in the Tag Inspector.
  • The "Change Image" context menu item is not displayed for an image inserted from the web after its properties are changed.
  • The "span" element is added inside the "textarea" tag when a custom CSS class is applied.
  • Whitespace text nodes are wrapped into styled HTML elements when some styles are applied to the editor's content.


  • Some Kazakh characters are pasted incorrectly.
  • The "Cannot read property 'styleName' of undefined" error occurs on inserting specific RTF text.
  • Tables - Part of a cell's text is missing in an exported PDF document if this table cell extends over multiple pages.

ASPxScheduler Suite

  • A client state of the ASPxResourceNavigator control located within a template is not updated on callback requests.
  • In "Pager" and "Tokens" modes, the ASPxResourceNavigator placed in the ToolbarViewSelectorTemplate works inconsistently.
  • "Cannot read property 'GetItemCount' of null" JS error occurs if ASPxResourceNavigator is placed in the Scheduler's ToolbarViewSelectorTemplate template, its mode is "Tokens", and the ClientIDMode property is set to "Static".


  • Row header's width is incorrectly calculated if the document contains hidden rows.


  • A header filter button is not clickable if both AllowDragDrop and AllowSort are disabled.
  • The "Procedure or function X has too many arguments specified." error occurs.

Bootstrap GridView

  • Setting the Settings-GridLines property to None has no any effect if EndlessPaging mode is enabled.
  • Group footer is rendered with an incorrect number of cells if merged groups are enabled.
  • The TokenBox / TagBox column in the DataSecurityMode = Strict mode throw NullReferenceException when saving a non-modified empty value in the Batch Edit Mode.

Bootstrap Spreadsheet

  • Row header's width is incorrectly calculated if the document contains hidden rows.

DevExtreme Data Grid

  • Incorrect summary alignment if hidingPriority is used.
  • A validation frame is not displayed if the repaintChangesOnly option is enabled in Batch editing mode.
  • An attempt to add a new row on first load when state storing and column fixing is used produces an error.
  • An infinite loading panel appears after adding a new row.
  • DataGrid incorrectly hides columns in certain cases if the masterDetail.autoExpandAll option is set to true.
  • Dragging performance is low during cross component drag and drop if DataGrid contains many rows.
  • Fixed columns have duplicated IDs.
  • Horizontal double arrows are shown on an attempt to resize a grid column during the editing process in Cell and Batch edit modes.
  • It is not possible to scroll a column with TagBoxes using a mouse wheel when the control's multiline property is disabled.
  • Scrolling does not work properly when rowRenderingMode is set to 'virtual' and focusedRowEnabled is set to 'true'.
  • The getSelectedRowsData method returns filtered rows after deselecting all rows if selection.deferred is True and a filter is applied.
  • The onFocusedCellChanging/onFocusedRowChanging event is not raised when a group row is collapsed and a data row in the group is focused.
  • The order of edit icons is incorrect when RTL is enabled.
  • There is no space between a TagBox tag and a grid cell border when the Material Theme is applied.
  • Validation message is displayed incorrectly in Firefox.
  • DataGrid does not validate a cell if its value is not defined in an editing row.
  • DataGrid doesn't remove a green border from a Boolean column in batch editing mode.
  • DataGrid resets modified cell values during keyboard navigation if there are no editable cells.

DevExtreme Data Visualization

  • Zoom is not working when colored labels of an axis are used.

DevExtreme Diagram

  • An exported file's name cannot be changed.
  • The context menu is closed as soon as the right mouse button is released on macOS.
  • The toolbox is still visible after a popup element with the widget is closed.

DevExtreme File Management

  • The "Delete" dialog layout is not correct when deleting an item with long name.

DevExtreme Gantt

  • The tree list is not synchronized with timeline in Ubuntu when scrolling.
  • Row height is different in TreeList and Gantt areas in Safari.

DevExtreme Html Editor

  • The widget height is calculated incorrectly if the placeholder text occupies several lines.
  • The Active state is not applied to a custom button on a click if the control is in the read-only state.

DevExtreme Pivot Grid

  • A horizontal scroll bar is always visible on high-DPI screens if native scrolling is enabled.

DevExtreme Scheduler

  • An incorrect endDate argument in the appointmentDragging.onAdd handler.
  • Appointment tooltip closes immediately in certain cases.
  • Extra Load indicator is displayed when e.cancel is set to true in the onAppointmentUpdating event handler.
  • The Agenda view is rendered incorrectly on narrow screens.

DevExtreme Tree List

  • Data is not displayed properly when a node's parent ID value is null and rootValue is not null.

DevExtreme UI Widgets

  • Calendar - The state of the next and previous months does not corresponds to the widget's "disabled" option when switching at runtime.
  • DataGrid - Form Editing - An error is thrown when dxCheckBox is specified on form items for object dataFields.
  • DataGrid - It is not possible to scroll a column with TagBoxes using a mouse wheel when the control's multiline property is disabled.
  • DateBox - useMaskBehavior doesn't limit the user input in IME mode.
  • DateBox: Hour and minute values are cropped in Material themes.
  • FilterBuilder does not localize editor values for Boolean fields.
  • Gallery - An indicator element doesn't respond to taps on Apple iOS.
  • Lookup's location and size are incorrect in the Material theme when certain items are invisible.
  • Menu - An item closes immediately after being opened when hideSubmenuOnMouseLeave is true.
  • NumberBox - escaped characters in the format mask can affect the number of editable symbols in the fraction part.
  • Overlay-based widgets - A widget is incorrectly positioned when its container is animated.
  • SelectBox - Scrolling to the bottom when additional data is loaded changes the view back to its topmost items.
  • TagBox - FieldTemplate doesn't allow a user to remove tags.
  • TagBox - FieldTemplate makes a placehoder persistent.
  • TagBox - The written text disappears when entering spaces.
  • TextBox - It is possible to insert autosuggested text if a numerical mask is set.
  • TextBox - The placeholder is overlapped with a nbsp placeholder on iOS.
  • TreeView - The "Cannot read property 'toString' of null" error occurs on adding a new item to a store.

Installation (Microsoft .NET)

  • The DevExpress installer checks for LogifySend.exe file updates even if the "I do not wish to participate..." option was chosen.

MVC CardView

  • Cards are incorrectly grouped if the Endless Paging mode is used together with the layout mode set to breakpoints.
  • It is impossible to rename the "DELETED" string.

MVC Data Editors

  • BinaryImage for MVC - The PerformCallback method does not allow passing a parameter to the server.
  • DateEdit for MVC - Time increment buttons do not work for hours or seconds in Google Chrome.
  • SpinEdit - Increment/decrement buttons are incorrectly aligned if the Height property is changed and Bootstrap is used.

MVC Diagram

  • Shape connector data source doesn't update edge text fields (BatchUpdateRouteValues) if new fields are added.

MVC Gantt

  • Information about clearing a task's Resources field is lost after page refresh.
  • Dates in the time line are not localized when editing is disabled.

MVC GridView

  • Columns are incorrectly rendered in Responsive mode if the accessibilityCompliant option is enabled.
  • Batch Editing - Error text is shown for an incorrect record if there are more than 9 inserted records.
  • The "Unexpected 'x' at 0" error occurs when obtaining a binary image column's value using the GetBatchUpdateValues/GetBatchInsertValues methods.
  • The "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key" error occurs if batch editing is enabled and a grid's page size is changed during callbacks.

MVC HtmlEditor

  • A table jumps during resizing.
  • Cell alignment does not change after modifying cell content twice.
  • The "Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined" error occurs after deleting an element via the Tag Inspector.

MVC Navigation, Layout & Multi-Purpose Extensions

  • FileManager - The StackOverflow exception is thrown on clicking a filtered folder if SettingsFolders.EnableCallBacks = true and a custom file provider is used.
  • SharePointFileSystemProvider - It is not possible to work with a custom library.
  • UploadControl - Return error status code when a ashx request is completed with an error.

MVC Report

  • MVC Report Designer - The Top and Bottom Margins are reset after localizing a report.
  • MVC Report Designer - The XRControl.Visible property is reset when localizing a report.
  • MVC Report Designer - XRControlStyle's Font settings are reset when localizing a report.
  • The XRChart control with DataFilters that are connected to report fields is displayed empty after an upgrade to v19.2 or newer.
  • Visual Studio Report Designer - The Expression dropdown of the Smart Tag cannot assign an expression to XRLabel.
  • Web End User Report Designer - The Design In Report Wizard command duplicates an existing data source with the 'component1' name.
  • Web Report Designer - Dropping a data-bound XRCheckBox to the design area results in the 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of undefined' error.
  • XRChart - The Series.LegendText property value is lost after a report layout is loaded in the newest version.

MVC RichEdit

  • Changes apply to a document on the disk after the RichEditExtension.SaveCopy method is called.
  • The "Cannot read property 'styleName' of undefined" script error occurs on an attempt to programmatically paste certain RTF content.
  • Some Kazakh characters are pasted incorrectly.
  • The "Cannot read property 'styleName' of undefined" error occurs on inserting specific RTF text.
  • The error message box is shown when inserting specific RTF text.

MVC Scheduler

  • A client state of the ASPxResourceNavigator control located within a template is not updated on callback requests.

MVC Spreadsheet

  • Row header's width is incorrectly calculated if the document contains hidden rows.

MVC TreeList

  • A header filter button is not clickable if both AllowDragDrop and AllowSort are disabled.
  • Unobtrusive validation messages are rendered in an incorrect editor when editor visibility is changed with the EditFormSettings.Visible property.

Navigation, Layout & Multi-Purpose Controls

  • FileManager - The StackOverflow exception is thrown on clicking a filtered folder if SettingsFolders.EnableCallBacks = true and a custom file provider is used.
  • Panel for Web Forms - Panel height changes depending on the expanded/collapsed state in Adaptive mode.
  • SharePointFileSystemProvider - It is not possible to work with a custom library.
  • UploadControl - Return error status code when a ashx request is completed with an error.

Rich Text Editor for ASP.NET Core

  • The "Cannot read property 'layoutRows' of undefined" error occurs when navigating within a table's cells if this table contains a nested table.
  • ClipboardAccessDeniedError text is not displayed in an alert window when content is pasted into a document.
  • Localized captions are not applied to several UI elements.
  • "Cannot read property 'destructor' of null" error occurs on Mail Merge if a document contains unsupported fields.
  • Scrolling doesn't work if a rich editor is placed inside a DevExtreme popup.
  • Textbox text is not shown correctly during printing when multiple textboxes are used.
  • The updateRibbon method causes ribbon flickering.
  • Some Kazakh characters are pasted incorrectly.

Spreadsheet for ASP.NET Core

  • Row header's width is incorrectly calculated if the document contains hidden rows.

XtraCharts Suite

  • The Series.LegendText property value is lost after a report layout is loaded in the newest version.

XtraReports Suite

  • Initialization of the XRRichText control takes additional time in the macOS environment.
  • SqlDataSource throws the "Unable to open database file" error on an attempt to submit report parameters.
  • Text that is rotated 90 degrees in the report's vertical bands is not displayed on running the application in the Linux Docker environment when the custom drawing engine (pango) is enabled.
  • The "Internal Server Error" error occurs after report preview when the table of contents and editable controls are in the same report.
  • The XRChart control with DataFilters that are connected to report fields is displayed empty after an upgrade to v19.2 or newer.
  • Visual Studio Report Designer - The Expression dropdown of the Smart Tag cannot assign an expression to XRLabel.
  • Web Dashboard - The list of tables in the Query Builder is not always restored when a search is cleared.
  • Web Document Viewer - Linux - The report's watermark is cut off.
  • Web Report Designer - A report with the Doughnut/Pie chart is empty on the preview when a summary function is used.
  • XRChart - The Series.LegendText property value is lost after a report layout is loaded in the newest version.