DevExpress Windows 10 Apps 19.2.7

Editors 및 Grid 컨트롤을 향상 시킵니다.
3월 27, 2020
신규 버전


Editors for UWP (Windows 10)

  • DateEdit causes a memory leak.

Grid for UWP (Windows 10)

  • GridColumn's drag header elements don't disappear when holding and moving a column header on a touch screen.
  • GridControl's context menu isn't shown when a column header is right-clicked on a tablet device.
  • Provide the GridControl.CustomCellAppearance event.
DevExpress Windows 10 Apps

DevExpress UWP (Windows 10 Apps)

우아하고 사용하기 쉬운 터치 퍼스트 UWP 컨트롤.

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