GrapeCity Documents for PDF

텍스트 단락 추출에 대한 지원을 추가합니다.
7월 28, 2020
신규 버전


  • Support for extracting text paragraphs. Added Paragraphs property to ITextMap and ITextLine interfaces.
  • Enhanced support for font subsetting. Added new properties to FontHandler class: Utf32CodeSet and FontSubsetFlags.
  • Added new member to FontEmbedMode enum: EmbedSubsetNoForms. Allows you to embed a font's subset for static content while specifying that font as not embedded for form fields.
  • Added GcPdfDocument.FormEmbedUtf32CodeSet property: specifies which Unicode characters to include in embedded font subsets for fonts that are used in AcroForms.
  • Added GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Util.GcGraphicsExt class providing extension methods that allow you to draw certain PDF elements (such as whole PDF pages or AcroForm fields) on a GcGraphics.
GrapeCity Documents for PDF

Document Solutions for PDF

기능이 풍부한 .NET용 PDF API 라이브러리입니다.

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MESCIUS (formerly GrapeCity) 사 제품 라이선스 담당자와 라이브 채팅