GitKraken V9.0.0

Workspaces 및 GitKraken Insights와 같은 새로운 기능은 개발 생산성을 향상시킵니다.
12월 15, 2022
신규 버전


  • Workspaces - There are now two types of GitKraken Workspaces: Local and Cloud.
    • Local Workspaces are a new type of Workspace that reference only repositories on your machine:
      • Select individual repositories, a directory of repositories, or a Microsoft Visual Studio Code Workspace (.code-workspace) to create a Local Workspace.
      • Local Workspaces can also be created from existing Project Directories in the Repository Management view.
      • Quickly open repositories in a Repo Tab, or in a VS Code Workspace.
      • View the currently checked out branch, remote status, and work in progress across all repositories in the Workspace.
      • View repository details, including the README for each repository in the Workspace.
      • Fetch all repositories in a Workspace at once.
    • Cloud Workspaces (previously Personal and Shared) have been enhanced with Pull Requests and Issues from hosting and issue tracking services:
      • Cloud Workspaces can be easily created from Local Workspaces from the Workspace menu.
      • The Overview is now out of Preview and has been renamed to the Focus View. It displays Pull Requests, Issues, and work in progress that are relevant to you.
      • The Team Overview is now out of Preview and has been renamed to the Team View. It displays Pull Requests and Issues for everyone on your team.
      • Tables inside the Focus View and Team View can now be customized to toggle specific columns on/off.
    • Repositories can now be marked as favorites within all Workspaces.
  • GitKraken Insights - Preview:
    • GitKraken Insights measures how fast pull requests are merged into your repositories and more. Get metrics like:
      • Average Cycle Time: Measures the average time it takes for a pull request to be merged for the selected timeframe.
      • Average Throughput: Measures the average number of pull requests merged for the selected timeframe.
      • Merge Rate: The percentage of merged pull requests compared to open pull requests for the selected timeframe.
      • Open: The total number of pull requests opened for the selected timeframe.
      • Merged: The total number of pull requests merged for the selected timeframe.
  • Ghost branches - A “ghost” branch is now displayed when hovering over commits in the graph that shows the closest branch in the BRANCH / TAG column.
  • Commit highlighting - When you hover over a branch/tag, the associated commits will now be highlighted on the graph after a brief delay.
  • Solo from the graph - You can now solo branches directly from the context menu of branches in the graph, which hides all other branches and commits.
  • Improved Workspaces:
    • The Create Workspace form has been refined to include Local and Cloud Workspace types and to make sharing and adding repositories easier.
    • Improved speed at which Focus View and Team View start to load.
  • Improved Left Panel:
    • Resizing sections in the Left Panel now behaves better in edge cases, like pushing several sections at once.
    • Sections in the Left Panel can now be maximized via context menu to collapse all other sections.
    • Icons and text in the Left Panel have been aligned and have consistent indents in all sections.
    • The resize handle for adjusting Left Panel width is now centered on the panel edge.
  • Improved UI / Themes:
    • The UI has been refreshed in most views to reduce visual noise. This mostly involved reducing the dependency on background colors to separate sections of content and will be noticeable in custom themes.
    • Color values in default Light themes have been updated to be generally brighter.
    • Color values in the Dark (High Contrast) theme have been updated to better separate content after the UI refresh.
    • Menu bar and context menus will now match the GitKraken Client theme in Microsoft Windows.
  • The Apple Mac application icon has been updated to match current Apple guidelines.
  • Microsoft Windows and Linux application icons have been refreshed.
  • Improved LFS performance for cherry-picking or reverting a commit with a large amount of LFS files.


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