everviz - 2023년 9월 릴리스

이제 HTML 그래픽 도구인 Viz Flowics를 사용하여 라이브 비디오에 차트를 삽입할 수 있습니다.
9월 6, 2023
신규 버전


  • Charts can now be inserted into live video using HTML graphics tool Viz Flowics.
  • Introduced multiplatform publishing which gives you the ability to create visualizations in one place and publish to many platforms.
  • The publishing panel has been completely revamped to make it easier to export charts in different formats. everviz now supports exporting a visualization for publishing on the following platforms:
    • Online for embedding a chart on your page.
    • Social for embedding in a post on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter/X.
    • PDF/print for print formats.
    • Code (HTML/JSON) for self hosting.
    • Live video for TV news and digital publishers.
    • Video for overlaying the chart animation onto another video.
Donut chart illustrating financial information in a Viz Flowics broadcast graphic template


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