Oxygen Publishing Engine V25.1 Build ID: 2023063023

Released: Jul 4, 2023

V25.1 Build ID: 2023063023 버젼 업데이트


  • Oxygen PDF Chemistry/Security/Component Update: Updated the HtmlCleaner library to version 2.29.
  • Security/Component Update: Updated the JTidy library to version 1.0.4 to avoid the CVE-2023-34623 vulnerability.
  • Security/Component Update: Updated the Guava library to version 32.0.1.
  • Security/Component Update: Updated the Netty library used for the DITA XML to Zendesk publishing to version 4.1.94.Final.


  • DITA Publishing: Fixed an issue where, when publishing a DITA map that contained topics using the " " character entity, only the first topic was parsed, while the remaining such topics were not parsed at all.
  • Oxygen PDF Chemistry/PDF/Change Tracking: Fixed an issue where transformations to PDF were stopped when change-bars were added in the PDF.
  • Oxygen PDF Chemistry/PDF/Right-to-Left Writing: Fixed an issue where multi-column text and page headers/footers were incorrectly displayed using left-to-right writing.
  • Oxygen PDF Chemistry/PDF Links: Fixed an issue where "Unresolved ID reference" warnings were no longer presented for internal links that could not be resolved within the PDF.
  • WebHelp Responsive: Fixed an issue where the Kuromoji library was not copied to the output folder when the language was set to "ja".
  • WebHelp Responsive: Fixed an issue where the zoom widget did not appear for images that were loaded after the corresponding JavaScript script was loaded.