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Raynet사에서 공개
2014년 부터 ComponentSource에서 판매중

가격: ₩ 2,800 버젼: 12.6 NEW 업데이스 날짜: Apr 11, 2024


RayVentory new licenses are now available as part of Raynet Unified Data Platform, please contact us for pricing information.
Existing customers can continue to renew their Subscription License or Silver Maintenance for Perpetual Licenses.

RayVentory 11.2

Released: May 14, 2019

11.2 버젼 업데이트


  • Import tnsnames.ora Files. New feature present in the Oracle screen. Within a click in the context menu, the user is able to simply import connections from tnsnames.ora. This routine bears similarities to the CSV importer, which is available for computer connections and which can be found in the Devices tab.
  • Plugin support for Remote Execution on Windows. Support for Remote Execution plugins for the Windows platform has been added to the ndtrack.exe. Simply put the plugins into the Plugins/folder and they are going to be automatically respected by the execution engine, regardless of the selected RE method.
  • NDI Tagging. New feature injects specific meta-data to any incoming or outgoing NDI file. It is possible to configure the data that is written to each file globally in the RayVentory Portal Settings. Any details coming from lower instances (for example other Portals) are preserved to keep the information about the origin.
  • Ability to Filter Devices Affected by Scheduled Inventory Tasks Based on their IP Addresses. Introduces a more granular control over the scope of inventory tasks in RayVentory Portal. When configuring a scheduled task for the inventory job the user is able to specify the IP address or the Regular Expression pattern for an IP address, so that only specific devices / IP address ranges can be white-listed for a scheduled scan.
  • The verbose log statements for the Zero -To u ch Windows Scan has been changed to be of INFO level instead of DEBUG level.
  • Oracle scans can now reuse the existing connection information to pull the correct SSH credentials.
  • Extra scrollbars have been added in several places to show content controls that exceed the available space.
  • The grids and the way they work on lower resolutions have been improved. If there is not enough space to show all buttons, an ellipses button which reveals the clipped content when clicked has been added.
  • The stability of the HTTP Upload Location when triggering inventory methods that upload to an HTTP server has been improved.
  • The way the encryption key for credential values in the config.xml file is stored has been changed. The value is now encrypted.
  • A grouping function has been added to the Scheduled Task Editor.
  • Extra checks for the correctness of paths and extensions for the RIW and RIU logging paths have been added. In case of an invalid or missing directory, a warning is shown to the user.
  • The Edit dialog can now be opened by double-clicking an item in the Credentials view.
  • An extension filter to filter out non-CSV files from the CSV Import Dialog has been added.
  • Multi-selection support has been added to the Credentials screen and the Scheduled Tasks screen.
  • The date and time formats in the log files have been unified.
  • The exception and the edge cases handling for computer inventory tasks via PowerShell CLI has been improved.
  • Some examples have been added to the description of the IP address range input field in the editor for the scheduled discovery operations.


  • RVP-1 - The column Type was unnecessarily shown for non-computer connections.
  • RVP-6 - The order of the months selection in the Scheduled Task editor was incorrect.
  • RVP-8 - The name of the column for LKast Inventory Files had no spaces in it.
  • RVP-12 - In case of a failed authentication for the Remote Execution methods for UNIX, the error message incorrectly stated that the Windows credentials had been rejected.
  • RVP-15 - The Inventory viewer was not showing LPP packages in the SOFTWARE tab for AIX inventories.
  • RVP-18 - The Remote Execution inventory via a copy of ndtrack.sh was returning files with an improper prefix.
  • RVP-23 - The UNIX inventory (Zero-Touch and Remote Execution by a copied ndtrack.sh) was failing if the first credentials that were tried were rejected by the target system.
  • RVP-26 - When executing DBFUS script, the local path was used instead of a path provided by the remote execution facility.
  • RVP-29 - When refreshing the list of connections the numbers no the panel were not updated.
  • RVP-31 - It was possible to put invalid values into the time intervals for daily and monthly recurring tasks.
  • RVP-34 - When jumping to the home screen, the main Devices tile was randomly grayed out until the first mouse click.
  • RVP-45 - Sometimes the credentials in the SNMP scanner were reset unintentionally in case of a no-match.
  • RVP-46 - The timer in the Scheduled Task Edit dialog was reset to 00:00 by mouse wheel movements.
  • RVP-51 - The number figures in the Health table were sometimes wrongly calculated.
  • RVP-58 - RayVentory Portal tried to initiate the upload of inventory files even if a combined discovery/inventory job did not deliver any new files.
  • RVP-61 - The names for the host name and the IP address were inconsistent across dialogs in the SNMP view.
  • RVP-63 - The names for the host name and the IP address were inconsistent across dialogs in the Oracle view.
  • RVP-72 - RayVentory Portal was crashing when trying to open a RAW XML inventory file when no default app was configured in Windows.
  • RVP-73 - The column capabilities were not recognizing the context resulting in showing computer-specific methods for non-computer connections.
  • RVP-74 - In the Add Credentials wizard there were no vertical scrollbars for clipped content.
  • RVP-76 - The names for the Webservice URL were inconsistent across dialogs (it was sometimes referred to as Webservice Server URL and sometimes as URL only) in the vSphere view.
  • RVP-80 - On some configurations the column Type was too small and not resizable.
  • RVP-82 - For non-computer connections without inventory files the error message incorrectly said "This machine has not been inventoried yet".
  • RVP-86 - For some unsupported content, the NDI Inventory Viewer was showing no relevant information.
  • RVP-87 - The Inventory wizard was always showing the textbox for errors and messages even if the scan was successful.
  • RVP-91 - It was possible to click the Show inventory button from the context menu when multiple items were selected.
  • RVP-101 - When canceling the discovery, the devices that had been added by the session were not removed.
  • RVP-105 - The Dirty flag for the computer connection editor was not working fine after changing the type, the host name, and / or the IP address followed by clicking the Apply button.
  • RVP-110 - During the Windows Zero-Touch scan the current user credentials were not used for devices without assigned or matching credentials which might have resulted in long timeouts.
  • RVP-112 - There were some situations in which the Oracle Discovery would not probe and discover all databases.
  • RVP-113 - It was possible to cycle through all of the credentials (even those from incompatible types) with the arrow keys in the credential picker comboboxes
  • RVP-114 - Broadcast addresses were not excluded from the discovery scan.
  • RVP-116 - The list of devices was not being refreshed after a scheduled import.
  • RVP-117 - The indication of the connection duplicate in the connection editor was unreliable.
  • RVP-118 - After editing a device, sometimes the information about the status of the NDI upload for that device could be lost.
  • RVP-119 - The Oracle inventory could remove the previous inventory results upon the start. This resulted in a loss of data in case the scan did not deliver any new results.
  • RVP-138 - Private authentication key was shown in the sidebar of the credentials screen.
  • RVP-143 - It was possible to create unintended duplicates of connections by cloning one of them and changing the name back to the original.
  • RVP-144 - The generic message "Select at least one device to get access to details" was not relevant for non-computer entries in the Oracle, the SNMP , and the vSphere sidebar.
  • RVP-149 - The search box in the Inventory Details Explorer for the Server Features tab was styled incorrectly.
  • RVP-156 - When performing a combined Discovery and Inventory of an Oracle instance, the view had a confusing status, claiming that no inventory had been started.
  • RVP-164 - An error "DEV_ISS: Failed. Details: ok" was shown in some scenarios when executing Oracle inventory.
  • RVP-175 - The icon for UNIX devices was incorrectly shown in the Device connection editor.
  • RVP-183 - The test in the Discovery wizard on the Services page did not utilize line wrapping.
  • RVP-191 - The SNMP Inventory wizard was showing empty values for connections that had only the IP address defined.