installation - Syncfusion Essential XlsIO

  1. About Syncfusion Essential XlsIO

    설명: Easily read, write, and modify Microsoft Excel (xls, xlsx) files, even on systems that do not have Microsoft Excel installed. Syncfusion Essential XlsIO is compatible with both the Biff 8 format xls ...

  2. Syncfusion Essential XlsIO 관련 정보

    설명: 비즈니스 어플리케이션을 위한 세련된 Excel의 레포팅. Syncfusion의 Essential XLsIO 라이브러리는 Microsoft Excel 파일(BIFF 8포맷 ・Office 97 이후의 Microsoft Excel의 모든 버전을 서포트합니다. )의 읽기 쓰기를 합니다. C#에 의한 스크러치로 구축되며, COM 상호 운용성 제약으로부터 해방되었습니다. 이러한 라이브러리의 특질인 완벽한 오브젝트 모델은 Excel 파일을 조작하기 위하여 사용된Microsoft Office COM 라이브러리에 필적하는 것입니다. 개발자와 ...

  3. We're using the Syncfusion XlsIO...

    고객 리뷰: adapt the most of our modules to the new version 8. The benefit of using the XlsIO is that we're completly independend of the local installed excel version. We are handle complex excel sheets ...

  4. We have been using Xlsio...

    고객 리뷰: to be parsed inorder to calculate the value. The driving factor in buying Syncfusion xlsio was that we needed to get away with office installation on servers and use xlsio api to develop applications that worked ...

  5. I had a requirement to...

    고객 리뷰: was given a link so I could download the fix. The great thing was that the fix wasn't just a dll- it was wrapped in an installer that updated the proper files and also put them in the GAC. After a few ...