Codejock Controls Visual C++ MFC v17.3

A versão de manutenção inclui diversas correções de bugs.
Outubro 26, 2016
Nova versão


  • Setting Office 2010 and Office 2007 themes fixed.
  • CheckBox with no space at the border fixed.
  • Some HiDPI scaling issues in CXTPTreeBase fixed.
  • CXTPButton::OnSetCheck revised and fixed for all kinds of buttons.
  • Item positioning when using wide images in CXTPTreeCtrl fixed.
  • Positioning of checkbox and expand/collapse items with no icons fixed.
  • Up/Down track bars of Slider control in Office 2010 theme fixed.
  • CheckBox refreshing fixed.
  • Checked split button drawing fixed for Visual Studio 2015 and Office 2013 themes.
  • ComboBox drawing in Visual Studio 2012 Dark theme improved.
Codejock Controls Visual C++ MFC

Codejock Controls Visual C++ MFC

Adicione um conjunto abrangente de componentes orientados a objeto aos seus aplicativos MFC.

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