Actipro Editors para Universal Windows 2017.1 build 0310

Adiciona novo controle MaskedTextBox que é usado para restringir a entrada de usuário com base em uma máscara de expressão regular especificada.
Março 21, 2017
Nova versão


  • Added a new MaskedTextBox control that is used to restrict user input based on a specified regular expression mask. Support for input prompts and literal completion is included.
  • Added a new Calculator control that provides a familiar calculator interface to interactively calculate numeric values.
  • Added new BrushEditBox and BrushPicker controls that allow for input of a Brush value.
  • Added a new GradientStopSlider control that allows for adding, changing, and removing the various gradient stops within a GradientBrush, such as a LinearGradientBrush.
  • Added new Int16EditBox and Int16Picker controls that allow for input of an Int16 value.
  • Added new Int64EditBox and Int64Picker controls that allow for input of an Int64 value.
  • Added new SingleEditBox and SinglePicker controls that allow for input of a Single value.
  • Added a new Rating control that renders glyphs that can be used present an average rating or collect a user rating.
  • Added new TimeSpanEditBox and TimeSpanPicker controls that allow for input of a TimeSpan value.
  • Updated EnumEditBox, EnumPicker, and EnumListBox to all support hiding specific enum values via EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never).
  • Added the MonthCalendar.IsTodayButtonVisible and TodayButtonStyle properties that support the optional Today button.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.IsWeekNumberColumnVisible, CalendarWeekRule, WeekNumberItemContainerStyle, and WeekNumberItemTemplate properties that support optional week number display.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.IsTodayHighlighted property that highlights the current day with an outline.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.FirstDayOfWeek property that allows you to override the day of week displayed in the first column.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.MaxViewMode property that can limit zooming out.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.ViewResetMode property that allows for the view to reset when focus is lost.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.DisabledDaysOfWeek property that allows certain days of the week to be disabled.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.IsDateDisabledFunc property that allows custom code to determine if a day should be disabled.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.SelectionMode property that allows for choosing between single and various multiple date selection modes.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.SelectedDates property that is a collection of all the selected dates.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.MaxSelectionCount property that limits the number of dates that can be selected.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.IsDayOfWeekSelectionEnabled and IsWeekNumberSelectionEnabled properties that allow multi-date selection features within a month.
  • Added the MonthCalendar.IsClearButtonVisible and ClearButtonStyle properties that support the optional Clear button.
  • Changed the MonthCalendar.SelectedDateChanged event to a SelectionChanged event.
  • Updated MonthCalendar to support Ctrl+- and Ctrl+= keyboard shortcuts for zooming.
  • Improved MonthCalendar focus handling.


  • Fixed a bug where some enumeration values could show up in EnumListBox wrapped in an IReference.
MaskedTextBox control.

Actipro Editors for UWP

Controles de edição avançados para toque, mouse e inserção de dados em teclado.

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