Handsontable Pro V1.13.0

Adiciona suporte para fórmulas EXP no plugin Filtros.
Agosto 9, 2017
Nova versão


  • Added support for EXP formulas in the Filters plugin.
  • Changed the text in the warning message thrown when the amount of conditions exceeded the capacity of the dropdownMenu.
  • Updated the Filters documentation.


  • Fixed a problem where the Filters plugin threw an error when there was a condition with too many arguments applied.
  • Fixed the alignment of the checkboxes in the Filters dropdown menu.
  • Fixed a problem where the Filters plugin threw an error when adding a condition with an improper name.
  • Fixed a problem where the Filters plugin threw an error when using the disablePlugin method while the Dropdown Menu plugin was not enabled.
Handsontable Pro


JavaScript Data Grid que se assemelha a uma planilha.

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