Rebex Terminal Emulation 2017 R6.2

Agora usa o Windows CNG para criptografia simétrica de AES.
Dezembro 28, 2017
Nova versão


  • Terminal: Added TerminalFontInfo.Bold property to make regular fonts bold.
  • Proxy: ProxySocket constructor now requires a connected socket.
  • SSH: Added option to force the use of legacy or standard forms of SSH Diffie-Hellman group exchange packets.
  • Cryptography: Added CertificateChain.LoadDer method to load a chain of Base64-encoded certificates.
  • Cryptography: Fast CNG implementation of AES (which takes advantage of AES-NI instructions) is used when available.
  • Cryptography: Added workaround for broken X509Certificate.GetPublicKey() on Mono 5.4.
  • Cryptography: Added a workaround for GPG's gpgsm utility that required some SignedData fields to be DER-encoded.


  • TLS/SSL: Fixed handling of duplicate suites in ClientHello packets.
Rebex Terminal Emulation

Rebex SSH Shell for .NET

Componente de emulação de terminal, SSH Shell e Telnet para .NET.

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