pCloudy v5.2

Permite testar aplicativos iOS com FaceID e TouchID, além de novos recursos para facilitar o teste em servidores de preparo.
Novembro 15, 2018
Nova versão


  • Test local or Staged sites with Local site emulation:
    • Access your site behind a firewall, on a staging server, or locally with pCloudy before it hits production.
    • Local Site emulation Testing provides a platform to test private or internal servers on any Android device present on pCloudy.
  • Test your iOS app with the FaceID feature for easier app testing:
    • Allows you to bypass the FaceID verification in your apps using the pCloudy utility to ease testing for mobility teams testing their iOS apps on devices over cloud.
    • Instrument your iOS app for both TouchID and FaceID on pCloudy.
  • Inspecting Element using Appium Desktop:
    • Appium Desktop is a point-and-click interface for using Appium and inspecting your app’s structure.
    • Run Inspector sessions on pCloudy.
    • Login in to your account, set the desired capabilities for your test, and drive your app remotely using Appium Desktop.
  • Follow Me Officially released, speeds up manual app tests.


Plataforma unificada de teste de aplicativo no—code.

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