Add-in Express Regions for Microsoft Outlook e VSTO 4.1.2655

Adiciona suporte para o Microsoft Outlook 2019.
Novembro 28, 2018
Nova versão


  • Added support for Microsoft Outlook 2019.


  • Outlook 2016 with an embedded Advanced Outlook Form region might have crashed after calling the Inspector.Activate method.
  • Header of the FolderView region disappeared after switching back and forth to the Backstage view.
  • Advanced Outlook View regions might have disappeared after switching back and forth to the Backstage view.
  • BottomNavigationPane region showed up when the Navigation Pane was minimized.
Add-in Express Regions for Microsoft Outlook and VSTO

Add-in Express Regions for Microsoft Outlook and VSTO

Crie regiões de exibição e formulário nas janelas do Outlook Explorer e Inspector.

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