RadaeePDF SDK for Android v3.52

Melhora a renderização dos caracteres da família Times New Roman.
Maio 8, 2019
Nova versão


  • Enhanced replacement of the Tinos font with a distributed font (TeX-Gyre-Termes) that improves the rendering of the Times New Roman family characters.
  • Enhanced change tiling method in the openGL version.
  • Enhanced reduce GPU memory usage, when zooming very large in openGL version.
  • Enhanced change popup menu height to wrap_content.


  • FIX crash issue because of SIMD access protection due to some Android compilations that keep some channels reserved for the operating system.
  • FIX issue when embed special font, the font with "index to location format" is 0.
RadaeePDF SDK for Android

RadaeePDF Classic SDK for Android

Processe, manipule e faça anotações em arquivos em PDF no Android, iOS e Windows 10.

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