MindFusion.JavaScript Pack 2020.R2

Melhora os controles Diagramming, Charting e Virtual Keyboard.
Novembro 17, 2020
Nova versão



  • Control nodes - New ControlNodes.html example included in distribution demonstrates the ControlNode API.
    • ControlNode objects display custom HTML content, specified via their Template property.
  • Button components - Composite nodes can now contain buttons. Button components respond to user clicks by calling the JavaScript function whose name is assigned to their clickHandler attribute. A button can show a text label assigned to the text attribute, or an image whose URL is assigned to imageLocation.
  • Virtual scroll improvements
    • The control now handles mouse wheel events to scroll the diagram when virtual scrolling is enabled.
    • DOM elements that implement virtual scroll mode now use CSS grid layout.
    • VirtualScroll mode is now enabled by default.
  • Electron compatibility - Serialization and clipboard operations should now work under Electron.js.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Content of CompositeNodes is now clipped by default if Shape in the template is marked with isOutline attribute.
    • You can now implement custom logic for the +/- button.
    • Mouse pointer position is now provided as an argument for nodeCreated and linkCreated events.
    • Visibility property added to CompositeNode components lets you keep invisible components in the template.
    • General performance improvements.
    • Collapse/expand icon is now drawn correctly for CompositeNode when Expandable is enabled.
    • JSON deserialization no longer creates undo records.
    • StrokeThickness is now specified in MeasureUnit instead of pixels.


  • Axis origin - New property lets you specify the origin of a chart axis.
  • Miscellaneous
    • A new SimpleSeries constructor override allows you to specify a list with tooltips for the newly created Series.
    • The new drawLeftFromPoint method allows you to render text, which is left-aligned compared to a given Point.
    • The new methods fromObject and toObject of the Font class allow you to deserialize and serialize font instances from/to JSON objects.

MindFusion Virtual Keyboard

  • API changes
    • The VirtualKeyboard control now inherits from MindFusion.Common.Control.
    • VirtualKeyboard.addEventListener method removed; use the EventDispatcher API to subscribe to events.
    • Get/set methods have been refactored to properties and can be accessed directly.
    • Important: A reference to the mindfusion-common/jsmodules package or to the MindFusion.Common.Full.js should be added to projects that use the Virtual Keyboard.
MindFusion.JavaScript Pack

MindFusion.JavaScript Pack

Grades, diagramação, agendamento, gráficos e interface do usuário para aplicativos JavaScript.

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