Highcharts JS v9.3.0

Adiciona novas opções de deslocamento para os nós em gráficos Sankey e Organization.
Outubro 22, 2021
Nova versão


  • Added new offset options for nodes in Sankey and Organization charts - nodes.offsetHorizontal and nodes.offsetVertical.
  • Added new annotations.crop option which allows you to hide annotations outside the plot area.
  • Added the ability to remove accessibility information sections by setting section formats to null.
  • Added support for series.accessibility.point options matching the top level accessibility.point options.
  • Added support for pageUp/pageDown in legend keyboard navigation for scrolling between legend pages.
  • Improved series keyboard navigation which now supports End/Home/PgUp/PgDown keys.
Highcharts JS

Highcharts Core

Visualização de dados, gráficos e diagramas para páginas da Web e aplicativos Web.

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