JetBrains Academy for Organizations – lançamento de outubro de 2023

Adiciona vários novos projetos Java e Python, além de mais de 50 novos temas educacionais.
Outubro 4, 2023
Nova versão


  • Java
    • Project: My First Project (Beta) - This project is aimed at helping you create a simple tool that will calculate your net income from running a small convenience store.
    • Project: Tagger (Beta) - In this project, you'll learn about the Git tagging feature, including how to create and delete tags. Git tagging allows you to mark what's essential in your project's history. Your task is to create tags to mark important points.
    • Topics:
      • Java: Graph traversal: DFS vs BFS, Reentrant lock.
      • Spring Boot: Spring Security exceptions, UserDetails and GrantedAuthority, Testing REST controllers, and Testing Spring Security.
    • The Last Pencil project is no longer in beta.
  • Python
    • SQL project: Electronics Store Customer (Beta) - Start with basic SQL operations and progress to more complex concepts such as window functions, subqueries, and join statements.
    • Python Project: Password Checker (Beta) - In this project, you'll create a tool that checks how often your commonly used passwords have been compromised. Apart from writing a pretty helpful program, you'll also learn a lot about APIs, the request and hashlib  module, the SHA1 algorithm, hashing, the sys module, and much more.
    • SQL project: Payroll Management Database (Beta) - This project teaches how to manage a database system to track employee data, calculate pay, and generate reports.
    • Topics:
      • Python: os and os.path, Introduction to multiprocessing, More built-in exceptions.
      • Machine learning: Activation functions, Adagrad and RMSProp, Adam, Expectation-maximization algorithm.
      • NLP: BERTScore.
      • Django: Caching concepts and Q object.
      • Flask: Production-ready application.
  • Kotlin
    • Topics:
      • Kotlin: Base64, Cache, MongoDB, Welcome to Kotlin Core track, and Variance.
      • Ktor: Ktor Client: Engines.
      • Android: Navigation graph, Modules, and ConstraintLayout vs RelativeLayout.
    • Battleship is now out of beta.
  • Frontend
    • Topics:
      • JavaScript: Classes VS Prototypes.
      • TypeScript: Date and Function.
      • Vue.js: Creating a Vue instance, v-model with custom components, and v-bind.
      • Node.js: MVC with Node.js, Routing, and Security in the context of Node.js applications.
  • Go
    • Topics: Time scheduling and Transactions.
  • C++
    • Topic: Errors.
  • Docker
    • Composer project is now out of beta.
  • Fundamentals
    • Topics:
      • SQL and Databases: Create function, Cohort analysis: churn and retention by cohorts, and User avatar DWH basics: basics of the architecture of OLAP system.
      • Essentials: PNG, Common file systems (FAT32, NTFS, EXT4), Process (from birth to the end), and Introduction to professions in IT.
  • Algorithms
    • Topics: Kruskal's algorithm, Wagner-Fischer algorithm, and Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm.
  • Cybersecurity
    • Topics: Introduction to cybersecurity and Least privilege principle.
JetBrains Academy for Organizations

JetBrains Academy for Organizations

Aprenda a programar criando aplicativos de trabalho.

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