dbForge SQL Complete V3.1 released

Released: Oct 13, 2011

Updates in this release

Updates in V3.1

  • Linked servers support - features support for IntelliSense when working with linked servers
  • SQL statements support extended. The Standard Edition provides support for GRANT, REVOKE, DENY, ENABLE/DISABLE TRIGGER, and ALTER SCHEMA statements
  • Highlight Occurrences on/off option is added
  • Usability of code completion improvement - revision of rules for showing suggestion list especially when editing existing SQL queries. Now the suggestion list does not appear for arithmetic operations, numbers, and semicolons
  • Installation process customization - now you can select the development environment in which SQL Complete will function when installing the add-in.
  • Tracing support - if you encounter any problems with SQL Complete, start tracing and send the created file to Devart so that they can analyze and fix the problem for you