Oxygen Publishing Engine V24.1 Build ID: 2022092200

Released: Sep 23, 2022

Atualizações na V24.1 Build ID: 2022092200


  • Security/Component Update: Updated the SnakeYAML library to version 1.31.
  • WebHelp Responsive: Updated jQuery UI library to version 1.13.2.


  • Oxygen Publishing Engine: Fixed an issue where steps in DITA tasks were duplicated when being inserted while change tracking was active.
  • DITA to PDF using CSS plugin: Removed a wrong duplicate ID warning presented when a bookmap that contains the "figurelist"/"tablelist" elements was published to PDF with the "show.changes.and.comments" parameter set and the titles of the included "figure"/"table" elements contained tracked changes.
  • Oxygen PDF Chemistry: Fixed an issue where applying a simulated bold font to an inline content would cause the text after the inline content to also be bold.