ReSharper Ultimate 2016.1 released

Released: Apr 21, 2016

Updates in this release

Updates in 2016.1


  • Added a variety of new context actions including new Alt+Enter actions to check method input parameters, manipulate strings, convert strings to objects, comment and uncomment code selections, and many more.
  • A new Invert Boolean Member refactoring. The refactoring can be invoked on a method, property, local variable or a parameter to invert the boolean value it returns and update other members that receive values from it.
  • Smart Paste feature ensures correct escaping in string literals that you copy/paste around your code. It works in C#, VB.​NET, JavaScript, XML, XAML and HTML files.
  • Asynchronous Find Code Issues. Starting with version 2016.1, Find Code Issues works in the background both in ReSharper and ReSharper C++. This lets you keep editing or navigating your code while ReSharper runs its analysis.
  • New WCF-specific code inspections, quick-fixes and context actions.
  • Initial support for Node.js. All ReSharper features you are well familiar with, like completion, code inspections, quick-fixes, and navigation features are now available for Node.js.
  • ReSharper 2016.1 is better at understanding VB.​NET 14. It introduces support for string interpolation, multi-line strings, null-conditional operators, partial modules and interfaces, year-first date literals and XML documentation comments.
  • Out-of-the-box xUnit.​net support. ReSharper 2016.1 provides built-in support for xUnit.​net and no longer requires a separate extension to be installed.
  • Support for JSON files and schemas includes the File Structure view, a "Convert JSON string to a Newtonsoft JSON.​NET object" context action, JSON schema-aware code completion, inspections and quick-fixes.
  • JavaScript and TypeScript support enhancements include a reworked Rename refactoring (which can now rename files corresponding to TypeScript types), granular formatter settings, and full support for TypeScript 1.8. In addition, ReSharper starts to properly handle some bits of TypeScript 2.0: readonly properties, implicit indexers, private and protected constructors, abstract properties, and nullable types.
  • JSDoc improvements. ReSharper can now parse generics, HTML markup, and parameters with properties in your JSDoc comments.
  • Code style features keep improving. Code styles can now be applied with a single command. Reformat Code, Apply Code Style and Run Code Cleanup commands are now accessible via Alt+Enter when you make a selection in the editor. Another improvement covers the use of braces, which ReSharper now helps you make consistent across your code base.
  • Intermediate Language viewer is now built into ReSharper. The IL Viewer, which first appeared in dotPeek 10, is now available for drilling down library code right in Visual Studio.
  • Optimize References has learned to handle NuGet references, and Remove Unused References supports NuGet references as well.

ReSharper C++

  • New To-do Explorer. ReSharper C++ 2016.1 introduces the long-awaited navigation view, which lets you view, group and filter comments that contain one of the 3 default to-do patterns (Bug, Todo and Not Implemented) and any custom patterns that you might want to set up.
  • New context actions and quick-fixes. ReSharper C++ 2016.1 comes with quick-fixes to change variable type, function return type, type of unmatched out of class definition or declaration. Another new quick-fix lets you create a field from constructor parameter. JetBrains have also added a set of new context actions and quick-fixes for working with directives.
  • The list of supported C++ language features is extended with generalized lambda captures, exception specifications, user defined literals and delegating constructors.
  • ReSharper C++ 2016.1 enhances Rename refactoring, which can now automatically rename corresponding files (both source and header) along with code symbols, and to update usages in include directives.
  • ReSharper C++ 2016.1 adds support for Boost.Test framework to its Unit Test Runner. Please note that only Boost version 1.59 and later is supported.
  • Code generation improvements. ‘Generate stream’ operations can now generate stubs for Boost.Serialization functions. In addition, formatting options are now taken into account when generating code.

dotCover - Test execution in Continuous Testing for MSTest and xUnit test becomes faster with dotCover 2016.1 thanks to pre-loading test runners. Coverage filters are now supported in Continuous Testing. In addition, TeamCity can now understand the output of dotCover console runner and highlights its errors and warnings in the build log.

dotPeek- learns to handle extension methods as instance methods and automatically highlights usages of the symbol under the caret. With dotPeek 2016.1 you can load NuGet packages and their dependencies from any online package source.

dotMemory adds browser-style Back and Forward buttons to navigate through profiling results. dotMemory Unit 2.2 gets a number of improvements as well.

dotTrace  adds its Threads diagram into Visual Studio. Now, the integrated Timeline Viewer gets exactly the same diagram, which you can use to select threads, time range, and of course view thread activity and filtered time intervals.