ReSharper 2016.2 released

Released: Aug 25, 2016

Atualizações na 2016.2


  • Support for ASP​.NET Core 1.0 and .NET Core 1.0 projects, which means that ReSharper now correctly resolves project references and provides its core set of features (code inspections, code completion, navigation, search and refactorings) in projects of this type.
  • Structural navigation with Tab, a new feature that lets you use Tab and Shift+Tab to quickly move the text selection to the next or previous code element without having to use the cursor keys.
  • Go to Text navigation (Ctrl+T, T,T) lets you quickly find and navigate to any text in source and textual files. This new feature uses trigram indexing to make text search very fast.
  • Warnings in solution-wide analysis help you keep track of all warnings in your solution, both actual compiler warnings and ReSharper’s inspections with the Warning severity level.
  • New C# typing assistance features, such as auto-replacing MethodName (.) with MethodName ()., and correcting mistyped @$ prefixes for verbatim string interpolations.
  • New quick-fixes and context actions that help simplify string interpolation inserts, revert the order of iteration in simple for loops, or fix awaiting of a void method. On a related note, you can now check all parameters of a method for null (or empty strings) with a single context action. You can even uncomment or delete a comment with Alt+Enter.
  • Reworked surround templates. If you need to surround a piece of code with a template, just select the code and type in the name of a template you need, no extra shortcuts required. Also, a single template can now be used for creating code (as a live template) and for surrounding existing code (as a surround template).
  • A new refactoring to Move members to another part of a class. You can also use the refactoring over a region to move all region members into a new file, whose name is inferred from the region name.
  • Assembly dependency diagram that visualizes how assemblies are interrelated via references.
  • HTML analysis inside string literals in .cs, .js, and .ts files, which can be enabled with a context action or with the comment /*language=html*/ ahead of a string literal. You can now use the Mark HTML here action to take advantage of syntax highlighting, error detection and other HTML goodies right inside the string literal.
  • Regular expression assistance in string literals can now also be enabled with the comment /*language=regexp|jsregexp*/ before the string literal.
  • JSON value helpers allow you to tell ReSharper to provide code completion or validation for your own JSON files. You can add a helper in the JSON Value Helpers options page, matching a filename mask and/or schema. Custom JSON schema catalogs can also be added in JSON options.
  • Improved CSS support: ReSharper’s code inspections, code completion, navigation, search and refactorings are now also available for CSS variables. In addition, several fixes for better spec handling have been introduced.
  • Extended TypeScript/JavaScript support including: Generating code with code completion in TypeScript, improved Find Usages and Rename for union and intersection types, full support of TypeScript 2.0.0 features, including this for functions, control flow aware type guards, path mappings, optional class members, and the never type.
  • The Process Explorer window, which was previously only available in dotPeek, provides you with the list of currently running processes, allows exploring their modules and decompiling those which are .NET assemblies.