document management - PowerTCP Web for ActiveX

  1. About PowerTCP Web for ActiveX

    Descrição: (HTTP or HTTPS) Pull down Web documents on a schedule Generate a site tree Create a real-time stock and futures trading system Script dynamic URL queries when your ASP page is accessed On an ASP page, ... Documentation, including examples ...

  2. Sobre o PowerTCP Web for ActiveX

    Descrição: Dê ao seu aplicativo a capacidade de se comunicar com servidores Web. PowerTCP Web for ActiveX features an HTTP control to communicate with a variety of web servers using industry-standard HTTP and HTTPS (secure Socket Layer) protocols. Use it to automate submission of Web forms, extract Web page ...

  3. PowerTCP Web for ActiveX Compatibility

    Compatibilidade: Uninstall Tested- Yes Documentation Reviewed- Yes Sample Code Reviewed- Yes Disk Space Required: 1.4MB Memory Required: 16MB minimum, 32MB recommended Software Required: Winsock 2, DCOM95, Internet Explorer 4 ...

  4. PowerTCP Web for ActiveX Compatibilidade

    Compatibilidade: Sistema operacional para desenvolvimento Windows Vista Windows XP Windows 2000 Windows NT 4.0 Arquitetura de produtos 32 bits 64 bits Tipo de produtos Componente Tipo de componente OCX ActiveX Criado com ActiveX Template Library (ATL) Habilitado/Testado para.NET com.NET RCW Sim Geral Internet ...