DevExpress Windows 10 Apps 16.2.3

Integriert ein neues RatingEdit-Steuerelement und erweitert das Datenrasterelement.
Dezember 15, 2016
Neue Version


  • Editors
    • New RatingEdit Control - This release includes a new Rating Editor. Its features include:
      • Horizontal and vertical orientation.
      • Custom glyphs support.
      • Customizable glyph size and color.
      • Partly selected glyphs.
    • Text Editor - Maximum Length - With this release, you can limit the maximum number of characters an end-user can enter.
  • Grid Control
    • Column Resizing - End-users can now resize grid columns by dragging a column header's left or right edge.
    • Incremental Data Loading - Supports ISupportIncrementalLoading collections (incremental data loading).
    • Column Content Alignment - New column options allow you to specify a cells's content alignment (vertical and horizontal).
  • Miscellaneous
    • TileBar Enhancements - The DevExpress Windows 10 Controls now include a new TileBarFrame component - a special container for the TileBar control and navigation pages. With a single option, the TileBar can now be placed along any of the four edges of the TileBarFrame, with the active page displayed in the center. New properties in the TileBarItem class (NavigationTarget, NavigationParameter, NavigationTargetName) simplify the creation and handling of the Tile UI. Automatic synchronization of the currently selected TileBarItem with the active page in the TileBarFrame is supported out-of-the-box.
    • DXFrame - Hide the Back Button - The Back button can now be hidden from the window's title using the HideBackButton property.
    • Splash Screen - Progress State - With this release, the default Splash Screen view can display the custom text indicating the current state of the operation.
    • RangeControl Clients - Application Theme Support - Color schemes first introduced in v16.1 are now fully supported by all Range Control clients.
    • MVVM - View State Handling Enhancements - Extended the ISupportNavigationEvents interface to make the process of saving and loading a view state easier. You don't need to implement both ISupportNavigation and ISupportSaveLoadState interfaces because ISupportNavigationEvents provides all required functionality.
    • MVVM - SplashScreen API Enhancements
      • Implemented the Cancel command. End-users can now cancel SplashScreens and stop the execution of a background operation.
      • You can now trigger a command or bind to a property defined in a parent view model using the SplashScreenViewModel.ParentViewModel property.
RatingEdit Control.

DevExpress UWP (Windows 10 Apps)

Elegante, benutzerfreundliche UWP-Touch-First-Steuerelemente.

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